Well, I listened,,glad still for the exposure. In that time frame I guess not much could be accomplished. I think the Host just kind of rushed Ms. Wood. Basically the Host was firm about religion rights no matter what almost. Evidently, in Washington, 14 yr olds have legal rights on their mental care rights, what parent (when divorced or whatever), they are willing to live with. Daniel's parents gave up their rights as parents 4 yrs ago. So the guardian there have their rights, including what religion for such children. Poor Daniel, never got people in his life very trustworthy. JWs will think in their minds they 'won,' although they sicken most people who have some knowledge of them. I only hope that the young JW people there have some second thoughts.
Kerry Louderback Wood will be interviewed...
by AndersonsInfo 33 Replies latest watchtower medical
The host was very overbearing.!!! WOW, and I wish Kerry had more time.
Kolleen was very informed about Witnesses and I think the host suffocated her input as well.
Kerry's exposing the misrepresentation of quotes in the blood brochure will be helpful, hopefully for young ones that will do some research.
Maybe if the young boy wanted to get married and have three wives we could expect the courts to stop that, as that seems to religiously offend some people than the lose of a life.
I still would like to know the time span from the court hearing to the decision to allow the refusal of blood transufion in the case.....does anyone know.
Yeah Purps, the govenment didnt have any problem limiting the Mormons religious right to muliple marriage, why should they discriminate against the Mormons and give the JW's freedom to their religion? Double Standard !!!
www.kvi.com has the following which links to www.ajwrb.org http://www.kvi.com/onair/kirby/12076016.html Fourteen-year-old Dennis Lindberg died last Wednesday after he refused a blood transfusion on religious grounds, being a Jehovah's Witness. Should a 14-year-old be allowed to make decisions of this nature? Are they mature enough at that age? Attorney Kerry Louderback-Wood, a specialist in this area of law and ex-JW herself, joins us to discuss. For more information on the issue and her work, click here.
Nathan Natas
The KVI show has been captured and cleansed of news breaks and commercials, and can be downloaded here:
Justitia Themis
Like I said, KVI is vey right-wing. "They" are against government interference at any level. And the host is very argumentative, that's why I don't usually listen to this station. Ms. Louderback-Wood did a very good job of highlighting the Society's misrepresentation of medical information, which is the basis of her paper. Unfortunately, not much time was spent discussing whether or not the young man was under duress (threats of shunning) when making his decision.
Wasanelder Once
Why the hell don't these radio idiots do even the smallest research. The moron says "his parents were in Idaho, I don't know what that's all about". Jesus, all he had to do was read the newspaper and he would have had even one fact close to right. Idiots like this should be removed from the air. W.Once
I thought it was interesting that the host, Kirby Wilbur maintained that:
a. The child was old enough to make his own fully informed decision and suffer the consequences and that's okay.
b. The child was young enough to be denied information by his legal guardian and that's okay.
Sorry Mr. Wilbur --- You're not the logical thinker you fancy yourself to be.
johnny cip
it's great a few x jw's called in and gave important facts about how the wt doctrine changes, at the drop of a hat. flip flop on life and death . then the host asked can the boy be free to observe his religion? the host didn't get the points being made, that the wts is basically god to the jw's even I know the bible says god is the same yesterday today and for ever he never changes. I think some apostates should try getting on some CHRISTIAN RADIO STATIONS. bet they would undderstand the topics better. john
wasanelder, I agree with you on the host being informed. His co-host Koleen was very imformed having family that were JW's. He seemed very disrespectful even of his host oponions. But really, Kerry got alot of information in there, in a very short time. LOL, Around here we don't talk that fast!!!! purps