Why is JCanon, who was briefly JCanaan, JCanon again?

by nvrgnbk 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Is there some prophetic significance to it?

    Should we be fleeing to some mountains or something?

    Seeking ILLUMINATIon.

  • changeling

    You're in an evil mood lately...

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    He wierds me out, i get a bad vibe, an d my vibe is always RIGHT

    BIG D

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for the , changeling.

    Just trying to get clarification from the JIOR.

    Our everlasting life is at stake.

  • Abandoned

    Hmmm, JCanon and JCanaan. Wasn't Canaan the guy who was cursed because he grabbed his grampa's wanger?

  • nvrgnbk

    Hmmm, JCanon and JCanaan. Wasn't Canaan the guy who was cursed because he grabbed his grampa's wanger?

    See what I'm saying?

  • onacruse

    Well, it's hard to sort out, and I certainly don't pretend to have a full answer...but here's how I understand it:

    OBVES, JCanon, and scholar are (more or less) JW apologists who have been around for many many years, posting on many many boards under various screen-names, and usually focusing their attention on apocalytpic chronologies. Their argumentations have been challenged and debunked by the likes of JanH and AlanF and AlleyMom and Leolaia to the point of ad nauseum. I've not personally followed much of this, because, quite frankly, apocalypticism is, for me, less meaningful than whether I'm going to have fish for dinner, or a salad.

  • Awakened07
    Our everlasting life is at stake.

    Well - we are the lucky (very) few. I would guesstimate (and I'm being very generous here) that approximately 0,0001% of the worldwide population has ever heard of JCanon, and that of those 0.0001%, approximately 0.0000001% actually know what he's talking about.

    So I'm not really sure how mankind will be saved. From what I understand though, JCanon is now free of blood guilt since he's sharing his theology here with us. So I guess it's up to us now to spread it from here. Kinda like an MLM scheme. However, I think we'll need some time to reach those who could possibly be saved throughout the globe. Then again, God has already made up his mind on who he wants to kill, so maybe we won't have to do much. After all - how many righteous people are there on earth? Not many. We are the lucky (very) few.

    Because we know these Truths:

    And this is absolutely true! For instance, in order to believe the Bible now, you have believe a few of these really wierd things:

    1) That Paul and the Apostle John are still alive from the 1st century, never having died, along with some other members of the 12 tribes of Israel.

    2) That some from the 1st century from the 12 tribes of Israel who could prove their lineage during Jesus' time have remarried in the modern world in time to reestablish descendants of the 12 tribes so that 12,000 from each tribe could fulfill the promise to Abraham.

    3) You've have to accept the nature of the second coming, that it occurred prior to the second coming (1992) and that it is effected by resurrected ones being "downloaded" or "sown" (1 Corinthians) into modern anointed ones, imperfect bodies, and that's why we cannot observe the 1st resurrection. Further, some of those resurrected will end up in the bodies of their own descendants! That is, the fathers will return as their own sons somtimes which is what Psalms 45:16 says:

    " In place of your forefathers there will come to be your sons, Whom you will appoint as princes in all the earth.'

    See, the "princes in the earth" are a reference to the king-priests serving during the millennium and thus have to be part of the first resurrection.

    POINT BEING, unless you basically are in the JIOR of of the anointed, these things are extremely difficult to accept, even when I've explained them to you in detail. But God intends to make it difficult to believe. In fact, the "blinds the minds of the unbelievers" so they can't see. Listening they don't hear. Watching they don't see.

    Remnember for the 7 days Noah waited for it to rain, the ice canopy was being superheated and vaporized. To rain 40 days and 40 nights would take some thick clouds that would block out the sun. So basically the population of Noah's day died in the dark. Likewise, today, it's not really God's goal to overly inform those who will die of anything regarding his precise and detailed purpose. They will know what killed them and that's about it.

    Thus the Bible and the truth and reality about God are more specifically for the believers and anointed ones, like myself.


    Behold especially this Truth:

    But God intends to make it difficult to believe. In fact, the "blinds the minds of the unbelievers" so they can't see.

    We are the lucky (very) few.

  • nvrgnbk
    So I guess it's up to us now to spread it from here.

    Any ideas on how?

    Maybe some bi-monthly periodicals?

  • changeling

    I personally do not read the rantings of apologists. They come accross as being mentaly disturbed. They need professional help.

    Posting on their threads encourages their delusions.


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