When we have American JW relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how JWs over here live. It’s almost as if we are from two different religions.
That divide seems to be getting wider. I have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among British JWs. I have seen elders giving birthday parties for their children, I have seen JW children dressing up at Halloween, I have seen JWs openly talking to disfellowshipped ones and inviting them round for meals (even non-family). I have seen people get away with all sorts of antics that would years ago have got them disfellowshipped. Loyal JWs are sending their kids to college and University in droves.
Even when GB bleat about it in the magazines the British JW shows no discernable proof that they have heard, and carry on as before. (Except, of course, when the CO visits then everyone is holier-than-the-next-JW). Field service rises briefly then drops back to the token amount needed to keep elders off their backs.
Why is this happening? Have the British Bros finally wised up enough to take what the Society says with a pinch of salt? After years of disappointments I think they have.
This doesn’t apply to the head-up-the Co’s-arse types lingering hopefully around Bethel but I really believe that the GB have lost the hearts, if not the minds, of the British JW.