British JWs ignoring the GB.
by dmouse 40 Replies latest jw friends
Tonight, Her Ladyship and I will attend a halloween bash in the pub. My elder pal, Dub in the pub, will be present. He came to last New Years Eve and attended my birthday barbie in July, Poster Belmont was a witness, Ha Ha!
JW Lucy - she who falsely accused her non witness husband of feeding her poisonous sausages - attended the same birthday party as me last Saturday.
Yup, IMHO the R & F in the UK are starting to drift just as Dormouse correctly claims.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
For all those ex-jws from the US, if the JW's were as relaxed here as in Britain (you could celebrate holidays, maybe no disfellowshipping) would you be a witness again???
Oh and you were encouraged to ask questions and challenge beliefs.
Thanks for the news!
I've wondered about this for some time. I believe somebody (Max?)
pointed out a significant difference between the US and British
branches on their reaction to pedophile cases. I have reason
to believe that Brooklyn has tried to 'crack down' on leaks and
liberal attitudes in England - but failed.metatron
Dan B
I've heard the same thing about the rural Quebec congregations. I've heard that brothers show up at meetings to give talks in T shirts, and that the meetings are not taken seriously at all. I don't know if this is true or not. If anybody here is from Quebec, maybe you can shed some light on this rumor.
Wow, guess the news hasnt reached down this far yet,
When I was 'in' london was the place to go for the best parties and most fun, down here they were more uptight and down the coast where my step family comes from they were virtually (and still are)tyrannical, pends on the cong I guess
nelly -
I think the variations are between individual congregations although some cultural variations exist.
I think the US is full off odd paradoxes. E.g. On British TV nudity is not uncommon, (you can catch British nudity on PBS in the US when it is considered "art") in Europe full nudity is common in TV commercials. However, you have to be 18 to see an "18" (R) rated movie in the UK. In the US you can see an R rated movie at any age with adult consent. Movie ratings are lower in the US but you can't see nipples on US TV even in documentaries (except if you are black and depicted in non-western culture).
These cultural variations affect JWs in different countries. What movies JWs freely watch in the US may only be seen by JWs in the UK on video rental (in secret).
I knew of birthday parties being held for Witness kids. In the example I knew of, in a neighboroing congregation, this particular MS held a coming of age (21st birthday) party for his daughter. It was a birthday party by the back door.
Generally I find the Brits more relaxed and less prudish than their US JW counterparts. I guess that's the Puritan influence.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
i grew up in a rural quebec congregation and i can attest that this isnt the case AT ALL! theyre very strict in the french congregation. at one point when i was in my teens i went over to the english congregation and i found them quite more laid back than the french were.
you asked: "if the JW's were as relaxed here as in Britain (you could celebrate holidays, maybe no disfellowshipping) would you be a witness again???Oh and you were encouraged to ask questions and challenge"
Nope, I was never meant to be a witness, as is the case with many of us who had it imposed upon us from birth. However, I would wholeheartedly recommend it to friends, who I thought might be interested, and I wouldn't be so worried for my mom who's still in.
B. -
"if the JW's were as relaxed here as in Britain (you could celebrate holidays, maybe no disfellowshipping) would you be a witness again???
Nope! Can't say it would even cross my mind!