Surely my 600+ mp3 music
What would you have "secretly" brought with you into the New System?
by JH 30 Replies latest jw friends
When my dad died 12 yrs ago, we had all been in the middle of a huge family fight. My oldest was 6 months old and we had moved from UT to TN without telling him or saying goodbye. I was devastated when he died. I started a journal talking to him and filling him in on things he was missing. I always hoped I would be able to give it to him when he came back. But now I think he has been watching all along.
A sad heart for all the JW's that thought they were going to be there.
well damn... after momz mine is stupid.................... gonna say it anyway.
a stash of firearms to play with when no one was looking.
oh yeah....... and a damn car...... horseback rideing is well and good but damn some times you want airconditioning and a stereo
Sweetstuff and her kids!!!!....oompa
sorry primitive....
I'll lighten it up. Crown Royal and my waterproof toy.
The person that studied with me... told me that if I had any small items that I wanted to save into the new system, that I should put them in a glass jar and seal it real tight and "Bury" it......!!!! I never did.
Thought about it few times tho....
But if I could sneak something in... it would have to be my laptop (pray for internet) and my "Hubby"
Books!!!!!!!!! Lots and lots of books!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely with you on the books. As many as I could carry. No matter what they contained. I sometimes used to think that even though we were always taught we'd never get bored, the reading material would surely get boring with it simply consisting of more Bible reading and yet more "Tales of the Resurrected Faithful Ones."
Remember, there would be no internet in the new system, so books you need.