You Shall Know My People From Their Actions

by ColdRedRain 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Gah, it's been a while since I posted here because at this point in my life, I feel as though that I pretty much have put the JW thing in my past and how I've expanded my horizons onto new issues and demons in my life, but I thought you guys would get a kick out of this story involving the JW's and how exclusionary they are.

    As some of you know, I live in the Upper Midwest, an area of the United States that's known for its volatile and extreme weather, especially the wintertime weather.

    I went to the KH to see my family because my brother who I've know made peace with was in town and I didn't really feel like waiting in my lonely house to go see my brother. But before I went to the KH, I was over at my new girlfriend's house. It turned out that my brother wasn't home, neither was my infamous mother so I asked for a ride home from my aunt. She said "No" because I came back from according to her, my "Worldly girlfriend's house " and she didn't want to "Encourage me in dating a worldly woman".

    Now I thought that day that I was just going to walk a few blocks, not half a mile in temperatures of around 15 degrees F (From my rough conversion, that's around 6-8 degrees below 0 Celsius for our International users) so I wore just a leather jacket, no scarf or neoprene mask, a pair of gloves and a stocking cap.

    So rather than dropping her nephew home from the cold weather, she decided that her faux spirituality was in danger from me being in the car because I just came home from being with a "worldly woman".

    I immediately told the el-duh's about what happened and even the main el-duh at the hall thought that was absolutely disgusting. I told the el-duh that this was pretty much the reason why I don't attend. He understood and he was going to rip them a new one.

    I miss you guys. Take care!

    -ColdRedRain (A. Lee Lucas), Minneapolis, MN.

  • momzcrazy

    Even funnier, if you had called one of us we would have been there in a heartbeat.


  • blondie

    She has much in common with the Pharisees that felt Jesus had transgressed the Law by healing a man on the Sabbath.

    (Luke 14:1-6) . . .And on an occasion when he went into the house of a certain one of the rulers of the Pharisees on the sabbath to eat a meal, they were closely watching him. 2 And, look! there was before him a certain man who had dropsy. 3 So in response Jesus spoke to those versed in the Law and to the Pharisees, saying: "Is it lawful on the sabbath to cure or not?" 4 But they kept silent. With that he took hold of [the man], healed him and sent [him] away. 5 And he said to them: "Who of YOU, if his son or bull falls into a well, will not immediately pull him out on the sabbath day?" 6 And they were not able to answer back on these things.
  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Weren't you banned from ever attending the hall? I probably wouldn't give a ride to someone constantly pulling pranks on people I cared about either.

  • LouBelle

    You've got to remember the witness bible is so different to others - I don't think their bible has

    : do unto others as you would do unto yourself

    : Love your neighbour as yourself

    : by this they will know that you are my followers - if you have love amongst yourselves

    : And they said to him "lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty (or in need of a lift in freezing weather) and he replied..........

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Yes and we also have to remember this is the same person who claimed to pull numerous pranks on his hall and assembly and was under house arrest for some unspecified reason. Don't think we're getting the full story here if his exploits are true.

  • ColdRedRain

    Re: I was only banned from the convention, not the meeting and it was for pulling pranks. Pranks are pranks and yes they were immature (But a bit fun considering the situation I was put in) but this is an entirely different situation. I take it you're not from a high mid-latitude climate climate, (And from what I see on your profile, you're from North Carolina, lots of freezing weather there) BT, so I'll just chalk up your coldheartedness to your ignorance. If you are then pardon me for assuming you're not from a cold weather climate.

    Temperatures here get to be VERY cold in the wintertime. To give you an example of how cold it was here last night, stick your head in your fridge for about 5 minutes. Your face would be 15 degrees F (Or 5-7 degrees C) warmer than the weather outside in my area.

    I suspect you still have a bit of the Borg mentality in you, BT.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    No, just why should you expect anyone to take pity on you when you trash what they believe? You came over to this board bragging about pulling the prank then being happy that you caused such a rukus. Then you get upset when your aunt won't give you a ride. Is she just supposed to assume your going to behave yourself? As I mentioned before you had stated you were on house arrest (at least I think thats what you said) so your probably not exactly the golden child JW or not.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Right here you said you were banned from both meetings and conventions and you were happy about it. Again you laid your bed so sleep in it. This has nothing to do with me harboring any old JW feelings, I would feel the same way if you were Catholic.

  • R.Crusoe

    Faux spirituality? Women in the world throw this about, 'He gives me the creeps' and that kinda shit - a way of putting someone down in my book and getting others to edge towards their way! All mind games based on superiority mindsets some people allow themselves the luxury of residing in!

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