How hot is the job market in Alberta? Let me give you a hint...

by jgnat 21 Replies latest social current

  • jgnat

    A business owner frustrated with bad workers placed a brutally honest help-wanted ad in an Edmonton-area newspaper this week.

    "If you … can come to work on time, not steal from us, not show up drunk, then come in and see us today," reads the ad written by Charmaine Rose, owner of high-end lingerie stores La Belle Femme in Edmonton and Sherwood Park.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I like how the report says at the end that she found suitable applicants quickly.

    fast forward to next job ad...

    'Liars need not apply either'

    It reminds me of a conversation I was overhearing whilst waiting at a bus stop only last night. Two youngish bar staff were standing there having their 'smoke break' and one was complaining about how people will buy a £2.49 drink and wait for their £0.01 change! She was calling them mean!!!

    I refrained from piping up "Yes dearie it might *only* be a penny - but it's still not yours to keep!"

    If everyone in that particular (very popular) bar didn't take their small change, I imagine the bar staff would make quite a decent amount of cash each day. Some folk just don't seem to get it that stealing is still stealing even if it's only a small amount.

  • nvrgnbk

    Is it really that hot?
  • arwen

    I heard that Alberta lowered the age for hiring to 12 and that some of the Tim Horton's had 12 year olds standing on stepstools ringing in the coffee! Here on the east coast we have lost a lot of our young people to life in the West...big money for them. I understand the standard of living is very high though so I guess you have to think long and hard about what you want. Housing prices here are going up but are still very reasonable. We are min wage of 7.50 I think. Apartments are anywhere from 400-1000 a month. Homes are still in the 100,000-300.000 range for a decent place..

  • jgnat

    I had a boy who couldn't have been older than fifteen serve me at Jysk yesterday. McDonald's are staffing their restaurants with immigrants. I suspect they flew them in AND provided accommodation. We have retail stores close early or close their doors permanently because they can't attract enough workers.

    Yes, the local employables are working in the oil business. That leaves retail establishments desperate for workers.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Sounds like decent living costs - I'd emigrate but its too cold there lol!

  • nvrgnbk

    What's construction like?

  • TD


  • Satanus

    When i passed through alberta, earlier this yr, everywhere i went in public, talk was about how much money they or somebody else was making. Seriously, great jobs and lotsa money talk, everywhere.


  • Satanus

    Construction is, basically, you can start work the same day as you get there.


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