I think doctrine did matter to me for a long time . I saw imperfections in the org. and in individuals , but was convinced it would all wash out because this was the truth . For many years I denied my own conscience .Something would come up and I would push troubling issues back ...this was the truth .
Then I made the decision to really examine my 44 yrs of life experience against what I was told was truth .
These are a few things I discovered :
#1) I was told that a disfellowshipped or Da'd family member should be shunned because that was actually love and they would eventually see the error of their way and come back . Life taught me this was false ....family is family and deserves our love and attention no matter what . Jesus taught forgiveness , tolerance , and mercy . He also taught those were the MORE important things .
#2) I was told the congregation was now my family " brothers and sisters " " mothers and fathers " . Yet experience proved to me in trying times My fleshly non witness family were the ones that cared .
#3) I was told schoolmates would be bad associates for my children . If I did allow friendships to develop the kids would suffer at the hall because superfine witnesses would judge them as questionable . Our experience of raising three sons to adulthood was that time and again it was their witness friends that were the bad associates . Their so called friends smoked ,drank and fornicated then lied ,lied, lied with no shred of self respect .
# 4) The Christian congregation was true because of the love the group had for each other ,Yet what really occured was cliques , gossip and competition to be better than others . The love christ taught was unrecognizable .
This is a small sample of what I personally saw ,
Then doctrine slapped me in the face when I started delving into research about the blood issue . When I discovered their stand on this topic was also based on falsehood I just could not go on supporting any of their beliefs .
I still don't know what things I believe when it comes to basic doctrines I just don't really care much anymore . In time that may change .