ALL the research I did that led to my confrontation with the Elders was accomplished with the Society's publications; I did NOT go onto any boards or other "apostate" material. The WT's own material, if viewed as a JW would study and evaluate other material is damning enough.
I can NOT understand how someone could read C of C or other "apsotate" material (like "The Gentile Times Reconsidered") or post on boards like this and stay "in." If I had of known the full depth of the material available and read it, as many do here, I would have been forced to tell the GB to stuff it.
I know many stay in for a variety of reasons. The WT taught me one thing very well: The Truth is worth dying for .....loyalty to Truth is loyalty to God.
The trouble is: The teacher demanded the student to break this primary rule as a pledge of loyalty....yeah, like that would fly....
We all have to make our own way in Journey....I wish those well that can know reality and live in harmony with the insane: I could not do it.....
With you in this Journey,