See I know there was a good side.
Who's crazy NOW! Here is Proof of the NAU "Video Candian Congress"
by skyking 62 Replies latest social current
all the proof you wanted to know, or didn't...
I watched the videos and I can readily see some twisting of facts. We will have to wait and see what happens but I doubt that our President will purposely collapse the american dollar UNLESS he has a system in place to replace it. Why would he want to bankrupt his own country? The EU went off just fine and guess what? The euro is currently worth more than the U.S. $.
Some of the videos are clearly made in such a way as to play off your emotions. I also don't like getting little snippets of dialogue pulled out when I don't have the rest of the dialogue to compare it to. Does anyone else think that is a little fishy? Lilly
Some of the videos are snippeted in away to play off people fears.
lovelylil do you like the constitution of the U.S.A.? If so this will be gone nota out the window. Fire fodder only good for a history lesson. I see a big difference in poeple. You have the city mentality that does not like to to know what is going on. Then you have the country boy mentality that fends for himself like to be told the truth. Like you lovelylil not able to see this has been in the works for decades. The collapsing of the dollar has been manipulated by the controlling powers so American will be more willing to let this happen. The people would never allow this to happen just a few years ago. No with the dollar falling, the war etc... People will not fight it as they would have. We have been manipulated.
I have known about NAU for several years. I became aware it because a good friends place is being taken. Yes he is going to be paid for the land. What amazes me no one asked him all he has been told by the government is he will be reinburst.
I would like to see the good. Like cheap labor from Mexico. Opening the boarder will make it easier for the drugs to get into the U.S. and Canada. So maybe the drugers will have more money because drugs should come down in price. The consitution being turned off will make it easer for the government to control the people. Lovelylil did know that the U.S. government has been building detentions camps all over the country. They just built one not to far from Spokane Washington. This camp is now empty. The local News reported on it once. This camp has playground equipment showing that they intend to at sometime in the future have families in it.
Why has the government built these camps? to fill them. Halliburton is the company that is building them. Make me wonder.
There have been reports on my local news here in the Boston area for about a year now on this. So I do believe something is happening. But the information I got was that it would not affect American life and culture as we know it but was to influence greater trade between the three countries and make it easier to buy and sell between them because of the same currently (Ameros).
Its not that I am in the dark totally about this, it has been on the news. But I am thinking that Europe when thru a similiar thing and yet each country has maintained their identities individually have they not? I don't see anywhere that it says our constitution will be done away with. Can you give proof of this?
This being said, the Bush is definately a liar and I am sure we are not being told everything about this from our government. But If it is so, as you have stated, what can we do about it?
I for one am not overly concerned because as an Ambassador for christ, I am awaiting the future kingdom "not made by hands". You may think this view is laughable or idealistic but that is how I feel. The current world power is not the ultimate world power and all good things must come to an end. The real worry for me is not about the economy so much but what will happen to religion, specifically Christianity in the future under a "one world government" made by men. Peace, Lilly
Oh. NAU stands for North American Union. What's wrong with that? I think it is inevitable that the dollar equalize in North America. Not due to any conspiracy, but because our three countries are inextricably connected economically. I'll tell you what will happen if we don't come up with a common currency. The European Union or perhaps China will come forward as the dominant or "gold standard" currency.
So far, only one article, and it is all shrieky. Watch out for any article that has an overabundance of adjectives.
I don't see any conspiracy.
I am with you on this one. I think it makes sense for our future. I don't see how this will cancel out our constitution. The countries using the Euro still function as independent countries don't they? I also do not see the big conspiracy here.
Although, the conspiracy angle on this would make a good Nick Cage movie. Lilly
Agopy love lovelylil. I can tell you are a good soul. I wish I could see things without sinister intentions.
In the long run this might be better. But I do not see it this way. Why?
I'll give a reason. When Bush ws pushing for the war I know he was lying. I wrote congress, wrote my to my state legislators. I did not mesh words, I state clearly Bush is lying and I can prove it. Listed intelegence reports, UN reports, CIA, the list went on and on. You see I did not believe the Media nor Bush. I found out for myself. In the town I live in like I have said we are very active. I tried to convince everyone Bush was lying. People said what possible reason, he would never do that. he must have good intentions for the country.
I recieved one of the most damning letter from congress. It state I was not a good American. It said: a good American will rally around the President in time a war. So I was not a good American. This letter was passed around town and I became the local celebrity, everyone wanted to see it.
What is funny to me at the time 99% of the people was ready to go kill and happy about it. Now that I was correct which every citizen in the U.S.A. should of known only if they had not taken the word of the government and thought for themselves. If other would have done these the war never would of happened.
people need to get the bog standard "I dont believe in conspiracies" thought pattern out of their head.....people conspire and plot things all the time...when hitler burned the reichstag down to further his own ends....he was conspiring.......maybe a question people should ask themselves is....what would I have said when I saw my neighbours getting carted away and hearing rumours of where they were going.....would you have just gone along to get along or would you have spoken out?.....I KNOW what I would have done......
Just a note the rest of the world does not have our constitution. The constitution forbids what they are trying to do. So it has to be replaced inorder for thd NAU to happen.
I am not saying that it will not be replaced with an equally as good of one. lets hope it is.
I am a constitutionalist. People have no idea what actually it says.