The thing is this; you were not the only one in the entire U.S. that knew Bush was lying about the Iraq war. Presidents lie and hide things all the time. My hubby was in the military during Dessert Storm, more lying was done then too. Hubby and I BOTH knew Bush was lying along with hundreds of thousands of other Americans who protested sending our young kids over to Iraq.
There is ALWAYS another motive for why our leadership does things. One which is not always apparent at first. But my point is this; lets say there is a great conspiracy to change America as we know it and get rid of our constitution? What can WE personally do about it? Probably nothing, that is why I don't give my full allegience to any man made government. It is useless for they all do what they want to do anyway.
I feel I cannot be loyal to more than one government and I choose to support the "kingdom of heaven". As far as what man does during this time period, we will just have to wait and see and deal with whatever we have to. Peace, Lilly