Sorry for the difficulties.
Try a blue one next time.
by Elsewhere 37 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry for the difficulties.
Try a blue one next time.
If you are going to believe (and teach people) absurd things then you need to expect to be treated in an absurd manner.
Seen any invisible pink unicorns lately?
Sorry son, you need to look in the mirror.
The fingerprints turned up a suspect who then confessed to the police and told them which pawn shop he sold my TomTom to.
I sent the police a photo of the underside of the TomTom so they could see the serial number and identifying markings. The detective then went to the pawn shop and picked it up. The pawn shop never reported the serial number, as required by law to help find stolen property. The police detective told me that pawn shop owners will not lift a finger to find a SN so that they can deny knowing the item was stolen property. (I've never liked pawn shops)
The TomTom is now in the possession of the police until a magistrate can rule that the TomTom is in fact mine. This can take up to six months. I'm a patient man of principals, so I can wait. The pawn shop said that if I gave them the price-paid they would let me have it back without any legal fuss. They must think I'm stupid. They seriously wanted me to buy back the stolen property they bought from a thief. It's their own damn problem for buying stolen property, not mine! They will not get an ounce of sympathy from me. (Yes, they were looking for sympathy.)
Regarding Nancy's injuries... the repair shop fixed the broken window, damaged trim, chipped paint and the electric plug that was damaged when the thief ripped the TomTom out of the car. I went by to pick her up today but noticed that they forgot to fix the center console that had been ripped apart. The guy at the shop first asked: "You sure it isn't supposed to be like that?" (Me looking at the mangled console) ----> Uhhhh, yeah.
He took Nancy back and will have "the guys" look at her again to fix the console. (Even though it was not fixed, it was listed as a line-item on the bill: $195).
I sure was looking forward to having her home for christmas.
Does anyone know anything about suing someone in a civil court to recoup costs associated with the break-in?
Even if I cannot get a dime out of him, I want there to at least be a judgement against him that will follow him everywhere he goes. Nothing like a civil judgement to serve as a nice festering pain the the ass.
OOOOOooh sorry to hear about the break in,I had that happen one time when i was a "Theocrat"....needless to say it doesn't happen anymore because it's back to business as usual,there's only two choices a thief will get with me:Manual or Automatic...that's enough of a "theft deterrent".
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to recoup your costs though,through the police report,and resulting charges,it should be easy to prove the thief's liability in the issue. Might wanna call of the "Small claims division"at your county courthouse on that though,to see the limitations,burden of proof,etc.I'm not a lawyer,i just occasionally play one on the internet:P-KenShim
It isn't a matter of burden of proof... the police have his fingerprints, his confession, and the fact he knew which pawn shop had the TomTom. Getting a civil judgement against him will be easy. The hard part will be getting him to actually pay the money.
When a court rules against someone, the burden of actually getting the compensation lies on the plaintiff (me), not the court.
Even if he never pays up... at least I will know that the judgement will following him and serve as a nice pain in the ass from time to time.
I think they could garnish any wages,or payments he might receive,as with any judgment,though..not quite sure how to make that happen though,i thought most times it's court ordered by the presiding judge,and not extinguished till you've been paid off.-KenShim
I would never have pegged you for a "Nancy" boy. Fight back, install some sort of explosive device that goes off when they try to break in, and make sure you have plenty of extra keys... W.Once