to the JWD person who sends erynw hatemail

by eclipse 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    This person is EVIL. We believe that this member is a woman

    I believe likewise. Just a gut instinct...but I've learned not to ignore it.

    So sorry, Eryn & Eclipse. Some people can't stand to see others get attention and/or love.

    It brings out the ugliness and darkness that are in all of us and from which we so badly need a cleansing. May the Holy One have mercy.


  • LouBelle

    The fact that it's someone that is a memeber, is kinda sad - I mean sure we may not all agree on certain things but to deliberately go out and attack another person & someone who isn't well.

    Aish - **shakes head**

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Well I never thought I'd be defending Trevor, but no one should be accusing, or even hinting that he would do something like this without some evidence. My take on Trevor is that he did what he did for attention. He's lonely and depressed and has some serious issues. However, you'd have to be a mean, vicious, spiteful, scum-sucking piece of shit to send the shit emails that erynw got and I don't believe it was Trevor. How would you or I feel if we were accused of doing something this sick to someone else on the board with no evidence?

    First of all, I didn't accuse or even hint that it was Trevor. I simply said he should not be automatically ruled out as a suspect given his prior history on this board. How would I feel if I were accused of doing something sick to someone else on this board with no evidence? Well, if I had previously done something sick to many people on this board, with plenty of evidence, then I would expect that some people would forever after view me with suspicion and that if a similiar incident came up in the future then I would expect that I would be first on the suspect list. Karma is a bitch!


  • Renegade

    It's sad to know that some people thrive on the discomfort and anger of others. I generally think parasite is an understatement.

  • babygirl75


    So sorry to hear that this happened to you. There is no reason for it. I'm a cancer survivor and know how hard of a battle it can be and how much of a stressful time you are going through, you definetely don't need some idiot saying cruel things to you and adding more stress to you!

    My thoughts are with you!


  • momzcrazy


    Your circle is growing bigger and bigger. May our energy stregthen you so you can enjoy your visitor. You have many who love you.

    In perfect love and perfect trust.


  • 144001

    With all due sympathy for Eryn as the victim of this cowardly conduct, I think this site is not the proper place to respond to such hate mail. I don't know what the hateful emails said, but it's possible they are actionable under civil or criminal laws. The first step for Eryn is to contact her local police. If threats were made, its possible that they will go after the responsible person. Aside from that, a lawsuit could possibly be filed under her state's laws governing harrassment, seeking a court order forbidding further conduct of this nature and requiring the perpetrator to pay the legal costs associated with getting such an order.


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