to the JWD person who sends erynw hatemail

by eclipse 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I know there is no evidence that Trevor is behind this, and I'm not suggesting that he is.

    I would just like to say that we should not quickly rule out the possibility, entirely. I don't agree that he is not capable of doing something as hateful as this. He lied to many people on this board, invented a fake dying person, killed her off, took money and gifts from a few posters, and cared absolutely nothing for the fact that some were emotionally distraught, crying and sincerely grieving what they thought was the loss of a real person/friend. That is pretty hateful behaviour and IMO shows some underlying anger. It may have been expressed passively but that does not preclude it being expressed more overtly in the future. There is a passive, cowardly element in making multiple fake emails and doing sneak attacks, then running away.

    It also shows a pathological need for attention. Is it such a stretch that Trevor might be jealous of Eryn because she is seriously ill and legitimately receiving all the love and attention from posters here that he craved for himself?

    Again, I realize this is not evidence, only speculation, but hey, when a crime is committed, the first place the police begin their search is on their known offenders list. There's a reason for that. Plus, Purps, got closer to him than anyone and she thinks it is possible. I admit, it was the first thing that crossed my mind when I read this thread.

    Don't rule it out, is all I'm saying.


  • JWdaughter

    I am horrified that anyone would do such a thing! My heart goes out to Eryn. She is going through too much right now to deal with stupid people. I thought they had some sort of control with the ISP #'s. Can't it be stopped?


  • LouBelle

    And how awesome is it that we all here support erynw - we are here sending our prayers, sending our well wishes and good vibes to her.

    that miserable soul on the outside - people that hate themselves tend to pick on others that they perceive to be weak.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    JWdaughter, the emails are coming through her personal home email. Not through JWD PM's. So I don't think it can be traced. I know that JWD has some sort of scrambler for the IP #'s. ( I didn't even know they existed, before I came here ) To prevent them from being traced.

    Do emails have an IP # attached to them?

  • eclipse

    To all who have posted here:

    I just wanted to thank everyone for all your love and support....Eryn was blown away and really thought she was invisible and an unknown member here, and you all have shown her that she is not, and how much she is loved and well thought of...

    The member who sent her these emails is not a guest. They are a member. They got her email address off of her profile, which is not accessible to guests. They made references to her threads and posts that were specifically posted in the PRIVATE section.

    Eryn had received some nasty emails back in October from a couple of members here who did not believe her because of the whole trevor thing. They know who they are. (There are some really nasty people in here but we all know that.)

    She was devasted and crushed to say the least.

    It is NOT trevor. He may have lied, but both Eryn and I feel that he did not do this. He wanted attention, but he is not cruel or mean.

    This person is EVIL. We believe that this member is a woman.


    If you are smart enough, you will not post on here again. You will NOT email her again.

    Feel free to email me insteadyou have my email address.

  • AlphaOmega

    I am stunned.

    Why would anyone do that ?

    What is the "payoff" ?

  • delilah
    What is the "payoff" ?

    they get their jollies inflicting this kind of horrendous pain on others who are suffering. They are just SICK IN THE HEAD.

  • Mary
    It also shows a pathological need for attention. Is it such a stretch that Trevor might be jealous of Eryn because she is seriously ill and legitimately receiving all the love and attention from posters here that he craved for himself?

    Well I never thought I'd be defending Trevor, but no one should be accusing, or even hinting that he would do something like this without some evidence. My take on Trevor is that he did what he did for attention. He's lonely and depressed and has some serious issues. However, you'd have to be a mean, vicious, spiteful, scum-sucking piece of shit to send the shit emails that erynw got and I don't believe it was Trevor. How would you or I feel if we were accused of doing something this sick to someone else on the board with no evidence?

    Karma has a way of coming home, so whoever is doing this will get theirs in the end.

  • megsmomma

    Thanks goodness there are way more great people here than the occasional "bad seed". I really am sorry eryn.....I would just ignore any e-mails from anyone you do not know to avoid the bad vibes. That person is not worth you time. I think you are a great person, and soooo funny too! Hang in there!

  • purplesofa

    *I dont know why, but could this be Trevor, just a gut feeling. purps*

    Please forgive me for thinking outloud.


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