MORE Radio discussion of Dennis Lindberg: His Dad speaks up!

by Nathan Natas 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Today Seattle talk radio host Mr. Dori Monson had an interview with Dennis Lindberg Senior - the father of the 14 year old JW who elected to die rather than take a blood transfusion to help cure his leukemia.

    One call that stood out to me was from a JW who called and said that in his 40 years as a JW, he never knew of anyone who was DA's or DF'd for taking a blood transfusion. He got real evasive when the host tried to clarify the point. What is immediately obvious to us is that the JW did NOT say he knew anyone who had taken a blood transfusion; only that he did NOT know any who were DA'd or DF'd for taking a transfusion. There's a world of difference in that small rhetorical change. It's important that we let the JWs speak so we can know how they are lying.

    One other thing that stood out was that it seems Dennis Jr - the 14 year old - was UNCONSCIOUS when the Judge declared him a mature minor. Perhaps the Judge's biggest concern was that young Dennis would become violent if he awoke to find a hose in his arm. I think that's what sedatives are all about, right?

    here's a listing of all the links to MP3s of Seattle radio shows discussing this incident so far:

    KVI Thursday, 11/29/07 -

    KIRO Friday, 11/30/07 -

    KVI Monday, 12/3/07 -

    LATEST! KIRO Wednesday 12/5/07 -

    What I'd really like to know right now is whether Dennis Lindberg's aunt and legal guardian, Dianna Mincin, has a life insurance policy on Dennis. I wonder if she will profit from his untimely death?

  • 4mylove

    Thanks so much for posting these!!!!!

  • Tatiana

    Thanks for the links. I'd like to really be sure that dennis was unconcious when the judge did this. This makes a lot of difference to me.

  • mavie

    Thank you.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yes, it is true -- 14 year-old Dennis Lindberg was UNCONSCIOUS when the Judge decided that he was a "mature minor."

    Here's the story:

    Boy Who Refused Transfusion Dies

    Nov 29, 2007 - SEATTLE (AP) — A few hours after a judge ruled that a 14-year-old Jehovah's Witness sick with leukemia had the right to refuse a blood transfusion that might have helped him, the boy died, a newspaper reported.

    Dennis Lindberg died Wednesday night at Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, his father, Dennis Lindberg Sr., told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

    Hospital spokeswoman Teri Thomas said she could not confirm or deny anything about the case at the request of the boy's legal guardian, his aunt Dianna Mincin.

    Earlier Wednesday, Skagit County Superior Court Judge John Meyer had denied a motion by the state to force the boy to have a blood transfusion. The judge said the eighth-grader knew "he's basically giving himself a death sentence."

    "I don't believe Dennis' decision is the result of any coercion. He is mature and understands the consequences of his decision," the judge said during the hearing. "I don't think Dennis is trying to commit suicide. This isn't something Dennis just came upon, and he believes with the transfusion he would be unclean and unworthy."

    Doctors had given Dennis a 70 percent chance of surviving the next five years with the transfusions and other treatment, the judge added.

    Doctors diagnosed the boy's leukemia in early November. They began chemotherapy at Children's Hospital, but stopped a week ago because his blood count was too low, the Skagit Valley Herald reported. The boy refused the transfusion on religious grounds.

    However, his birth parents, Lindberg and Rachel Wherry, who do not have custody and flew from Boise, Idaho, to be at the hearing, believed their son should have had the transfusion and suggested he had been unduly influenced by his aunt, who is also a Jehovah's Witness.

    The aunt has declined to talk about the case.

    The boy's father told the Post-Intelligencer the ruling shocked him but after visiting his son later Wednesday, he decided not to appeal. He said doctors told him Wednesday evening that the boy, unconscious since Tuesday, had likely suffered brain damage.

  • nelly136

    how can a judge rule that a child is a mature adult without talking to them?

  • bikerchic

    how can a judge rule that a child is a mature adult without talking to them?

    From my own personal experience with Judges the title gives them no reason to think they aren't or can't be complete nincompoops like regular old none judge title wielding folks. Sigh.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    How can anyone listen to this Monson moron? What a twit. W.Once

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    We take our news where we find it. What do you find so irritating about Dori? At least he's providing a forum for the story. The "bigger names" - even the small-fish local news "bigger names" haven't touched this with a ten-foot pole.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    he dominates the discussion to the exclusion of any alternative view, such as the effect of potential shunning on a 14 year old abused child. He seems one tracked and not open to other input. Could just be the am sounding jock talk tone. W.Once


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