I need some advice...my first post!

by Dehliah 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • yknot

    Welcome Dehliah !

    I am sorry about your loss and all you have endured hugs

    Many have had to leave as you and your cousin did.

    If you want to maintain some sort of contact with your family there are two choices.

    1. Return to the land of the JWs

    2. Play the "I am depressed" card. Maybe even go as far as to have your doctor prescribe meds ...which are great for appearances. Open up a subscription to the pubs at the KH (p/u every 2-3 months or have a relative p/u for you). Keep up the JW speak with your family so they see you are "trying to overcome" and this reassures them that you know the WTS message. Yea attend the memorial. Keep posting and reading JWD as this is community group therapy. You can play this for years.

    Know that you are not alone in this predicament.



  • Dehliah

    First, thank you for all of your kind responses. They mean so much during this difficult time.

    As far as my belief is concerned, I have absolutely no belief in this religion. I actually detest it, and blame the shunning practice competely for the death of my cousin. I have suffered for almost ten years as I was shunned. My family is incredibly in, all adults are either regular pioneers or elders. In almost 10 years, the only time I've laid eyes on my family or the elders was during the short time that I was studying in 2003, and during this month at the hospital and funeral. Still, there is a part of me that is missing. My extended family all lived on the same street growing up, took vacations together and spent nearly every day together.

    I feel like I am a puzzle piece seperated from my puzzle. When I am with my family, I finally find my place. I love them more than I love myself. And I pity them greatly because they are all so snowed by this religion.

    I've considered playing the part, going to meetings here and there, just to have my family back. Unfortunately, trying to sit through a meeting literally makes me naseous. I also have religious beliefs that run contrary to those of the society, so playing a part would make me feel guilty.

    I was baptizd when I was nine years old, and I find it hard to believe that I am held repsonsible for a decision I made before I had hips. I am in law school now, and seriously considering making it my life mission to take this evil organization down. I've made it my life mission to succeed because everyone told me I would end up a failure because I left. I wanted desperately to provide an example for those that dared to live a life seperate from the organization.

    I simply want to avoid being DA/DF. My grandparents are aging, and I would hate to be excluded from medical emergencies or funerals. My cousin's neighbor called to inform me that he was ill, as my family refused to even phone me.

    I know I'm walking a fine line, but I hope it's possible.

  • llbh

    Hi Dehliah

    Welcome here.

    I have the same problem with regards to relatives in the wts, many here do. My relatives are my wife and daughter.

    Read around here and get lots of thoughtful and kind advice.

    regards llbh

  • myababes

    Hi there I am new to this site also. I am so sorry about your cousin, what those elders did to you on that day was unforgivable. My mum died last year and at her funeral we just got constantly asked when were we going back and my mum went to her grave without me gettin back in. They really do take the biscuit.

    What you said re being scared of beeing identified if we join one of these sites is exactly what i felt like and I have been gone for 8 years. I can't believe these people still have some hold over me after so many years i just can't seem to shake them off.

    how we manged to get away was by my hubby resigning as an elder first after the rest of the elders tried to say we weren't bringing up our kids in the right way. I must admit I gave him a bit of a hard time andplayed the martyr by still going along but so desperately wanted to leave. So we just started to miss meetings every time they came round we said we had been badly stumbled by a breach of confidentiality on my 16 year old daughters ""judicial comitee meeting" (even tho she wasn't baptised thank god) which there had actually been. They eventually left us alone.

    I must admit that i worry about this so called disfellowshipping from afar since we now celebrate xmas etc and I have strong family in the org which i would hate to loose, but also know if they knew i celebrated etc they would disown me. Can they really do his 8 years later.?

    Just refuse to see them and when you do just say that "maybe in the future" and just fob them off thats what we do now

  • msiajw

    Hi Dehliah

    I felt so moved to reply to say how sorry I am about your cousin and also to extend my warmest sincere best wishes to you.

    I am not a jw and never have been but have been reading this board with some fever over the last few weeks because my sister is fully entrenched in the system, and it has and is still ruining her life - she won't accept this...

    This support forum gives me a tiny hope that some day she will see the real 'truth'.

    Good Luck for the future


  • jgnat
    I am in law school now, and seriously considering making it my life mission to take this evil organization down.

    Well, then, here's someone you need to get in touch with; Kerry Louderback-Wood.




  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Delilah,

    (((HUGS))) WELCOME to the forum!! I am so very sorry about your cousin. I agree with Almost Atheist, I would play the "depression" card. We are happy to have you here, I am sure you will make many new friends.


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Myababes,

    WELCOME to the forum to you too!! I am so glad you were brave enough to come on board. You will be helping MANY by your experience in leaving.


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Msiajw,

    WELCOME to the forum as well!! Hopefully you will get the needed information here to help get your loved one out!!


    Lady Liberty

  • uninformed


    Your story was very touching. I hope you enjoy being here.

    Your account really demonstrates how much love is really in that organization.

    They don't know the difference between kindness and a hole in the ground.


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