I always thought that elders wives were the "Elders". What does the scriptures say? God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of Man, Man is the head of Woman. But the Woman is the neck of the body amd she turms the Head where-ever she wants.
by Dansk 74 Replies latest jw friends
First, good elders is an oxymoron, and second, the women of JWD are too smart to be a part of this nonsense.
Women Make Elders Good
Well, I tell you what, I wouldn't mind being pulled into the back room by the ladies here at JWD. I might even get in trouble, just for the privilege.
Have you read Who wrote the Gospels? by Randel McCraw? He gives good evidence that Luke was actually a woman.
It would be very nice if a very hot women is an elder, so I can confess my masturbation problems
Yaah! What worldtraveller said. Ditch all elders and men and women can both manage the organization's responsibilities.
Can you imagine a JC comprising three Pre Menstrual women?
That's NOTHING compared to a JC comprising of three Menopausal women.
Based on my own experience with J-Dub women, they would be worse, not better than any male elder. -- XJW4EVR
ANY male elder? Given the existence of pedophile elders, the J-Dub women you have experience with must be really horrible, otherwise, your assertion appears to be indicative of a sexist attitude. 144001
144 thousand and dumb, I am glad that you are still on this site to pounce on any comment I make. It gives me a sense of security that someone of your stature thinks so highly of my posts that you just can't wait to attack with smarmy and cowardly attacks. Have you ever thought of getting a life? -- XJW4EVR
In addition to your obvious lack of self esteem, it appears you are also suffering from delusions of grandeur. Maybe you can explain how my response to your sexist comment is a "swarmy and cowardly attack?" You chose to post a sexist comment on a public forum, and when the inevitable happens, i.e., someone calls you out on it, you label such response as a "cowardly and swarmy attack?" The coward is you, XJW4EVR, for lacking the testicular fortitude necessary to defend your ignorant, sexist comments with anything other than an unwarranted and patently stupid ad hominem attack.
Based on my own experience with J-Dub women, they would be worse, not better than any male elder. -- XJW4EVR
ANY male elder? Given the existence of pedophile elders, the J-Dub women you have experience with must be really horrible, otherwise, your assertion appears to be indicative of a sexist attitude. 144001
144 thousand and dumb, I am glad that you are still on this site to pounce on any comment I make. It gives me a sense of security that someone of your stature thinks so highly of my posts that you just can't wait to attack with smarmy and cowardly attacks. Have you ever thought of getting a life? -- XJW4EVR
In addition to your obvious lack of self esteem, it appears you are also suffering from delusions of grandeur. Maybe you can explain how my response to your sexist comment is a "swarmy and cowardly attack?" You chose to post a sexist comment on a public forum, and when the inevitable happens, i.e., someone calls you out on it, you label such response as a "cowardly and swarmy attack?" The coward is you, XJW4EVR, for lacking the testicular fortitude necessary to defend your ignorant, sexist comments with anything other than an unwarranted and patently stupid ad hominem attack.
[jgnat: Removed]
Women would make terrible elders, they would never go along with the authoritian structure of the WTS and would not use their position of authority as a weapon to intimidate others. If you are a careful student of history you will notice that all major social change has been precipitated by women being given equal freedoms and rights as men.
If women became elders the JW's would cease to exist as we know them. In fact most religious object to women spiritual leaders for this reason.
[jgnat:Removed post of PM and sent warning]
You've never responded to my initial point, which is that your comment that started this dialogue between us was blatantly sexist. If you post racist comments, I'll respond to those too. This is a public forum, and if you want to disparage women, you should expect to be called out on the carpet for it.
I bet that your disrespect for women is attributable to either a lack of experience with them, or many bad experiences. If you're trying to find out "why," look in the mirror.