Oh yes, I am the coward? Shall I post you PM to me in public. The one where you challanged me to a fight? Sorry pal, but I see through you and your chest beating. As I said before you seriously need to get a life. XJW4EVR[jgnat: Removed post of PM]
You've never responded to my initial point, which is that your comment that started this dialogue between us was blatantly sexist. If you post racist comments, I'll respond to those too. This is a public forum, and if you want to disparage women, you should expect to be called out on the carpet for it.
I bet that your disrespect for women is attributable to either a lack of experience with them, or many bad experiences. If you're trying to find out "why," look in the mirror.
First, I do not respond to your "argument" because your argument is akin to asking, "When did you stop beating your wife?" However, I will state that my statement was not intended in that manner. You took it that way because you sit behind your keyboard and pretend that you know me. You do not. My statement was based on the interaction I have had with JW women, because those would be the women that would be chosen to lead. I believe I made that clear in a subsequent post.
Sadly, you seem to think that you must be adversarial with me. It seems that it has always been that way between you and I. I have contributed to that with my own sarcastic remarks, and for that I am truly sorry. Perhaps if you would have simply asked me to explain my comments in further detail I would have responded in a non-sarcastic manner. However, you do not seem capable to respond in that manner. Instead you respond in a hostile tone, and with vitriol to anything I post.
You say that I suffer from "delusions of granduer" however, I have not scoured this forum and posted sarcastic and vitriolic replies to your posts. Why? Because I simply do not have the time to post on this forum anymore, and secondly you just are not that important to me. So who suffers for "delusions of granduer?"
Lastly, and this will be the last time I respond on this issue. I beleive that many of the women in the Dub-dumb are flawed. They are flawed just like the men are flawed. This religion rewards subservience. It is not the women that are subservient in that organization, but the men also. That is the trouble with abusive authoritarian religions. They tend to attract people that need that sort of control in their lives. To put people like this in a position of leadership is dangerous because it just lends itself to a perpetual cycle of abuse.