This subject came up at work and has got me thinking, is this really a requirement that God enforces? A lot of churches say it Is a mandate of the bible? Does it make a difference to your spirituality if you give or not? Why was there a tithe? What does the new testimemt say about tithe?
This is how I see it - A tithe was given to scribes and pharasees because they were literally tied up with the things of God back in the day, teaching the people, performing sacrifices, so the people supported them. Over time the pharasees perverted this as they became anal about tithe right down to mint and spices, the tithe became a burden for the people. Not once do you read of Jesus paying tithe. I do understand that if there is someone devoting his life to God & is spending his time in that and the spirit prompts you to give to him, go ahead. Surely this man of faith would know that God would meet his daily needs. Somehow a preacher driving a 4x4 seems a ""want"" not a a need. God needs nothing from us humans and you cant buy your seat from him with your finances. He doesn't need any help in getting his word out there either. His grace is free.. There are a couple of scriptures I want to put up but I've got to remember where they are: the one is when the pharasees are questioning Jesus about the tithe and Jesus says it is better to take care of your family first than bother about a tithe. A lot of christians I know push this tithing thing to the point where I want to have a mini explosion. Oh and you pay your 10% before taxes mind you. Would be great to know what you think / coments.Tithe - giving 10% to the church
by LouBelle 11 Replies latest jw friends
1Cor 9:17 "For if I do this work of my own free will, then I have my pay (my reward); but if it is not of my own will, but is done reluctantly and under compulsion, I am [still] entrusted with a [sacred] trusteeship and commission. 18What then is the [actual] reward that I get? Just this: that in my preaching the good news (the Gospel), I may offer it [absolutely] free of expense [to anybody], not taking advantage of my rights and privileges [as a preacher] of the Gospel. 19For although I am free in every way from anyone's control, I have made myself a bond servant to everyone, so that I might gain the more [for Christ]." AMP
2Cor 9:7 "Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He [a]takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, "prompt to do it") giver [whose heart is in his giving]." AMP -
Sad emo
What freydi said!
I don't always give 10% to the church I attend - I give it (sorry folks!) where the need is greatest!
I tend to think of the story of Jesus in the Temple too when he watched the rich guy throw in his spare change and then the poor lady who put in all she had. As Christians, we're past any rigid figures based on money - our entire lives and everything we have should be tithed - 100%!!! That doesn't mean give everything away either - it means that we are called to be good stewards of whatever God has blessed us with.
Hope it makes sense lol!
The Mosaic law required 10%. The NT emphasizes helping those in need if we have the means. Personally, I would rather help an individual or family in need than give money to a church.
Nathan Natas
Yes, as Dinah pointed out, tithing is a Jewish arrangement, not a Christian one.
Isn't it amazing how these religious leaders can pick and choose from the old "fulfilled" law and the "new law" when it suits them? J. F. Rutherford did the same thing, and created a monsterous abberation.
The giving of 10% of what one has PREDATES the Jewish Law.
Abraham gave a tenth to Melchizedek "priest of the "Most High God" in Salem.
Don't be surprised if this is cited by the Gibbering Buddy to justify tithing the witlesses.
They use Gods words to Noah to justify the no blood thing, then use bits of the later Jewish law to show "Gods viewpoint".
Yes, tithing is a pre-Jewish thing. I feel it is not a 'salvation issue' thing, but money given to God ( to advance the work of God), not necessarily a church denomination) that will result in blessings (not necessarily monentary).
Some churches try and put you on a 'guilt trip' about this, saying it is robbing God if you do not give it to them! I do tithe, but not to any one particular group. And, yes, I have been blessed but that is not the reason for my giving. I also support several ex-JW ministries.
Tithing is between you and God. Do what your heart tells you to do.
There is no way I would tithe to any church.
While I realize it may have meant something in ancient times, nowadays all you would be doing is supporting some priest in a style that I would like to become accustomed to. I don't even need to mention all the abuse scandals, etc. This is where most of your money would be going - paying out lawsuits. I know some might say that some churches provide social services but I still wouldn't do it.
About two years ago a friend gave me a book with some sort of eastern philosophy, etc. and it mentioned that you should tithe because it would make YOU prosperous if you did so and believe me, I could certainly use the prosperity.
I wondered to myself which church was worthy for me to give a tithe to. Because of all these abuse scandals I decided after much thought that there was no church or religion I would give to. None are deserving.
I decided that if I give it will be to individuals and it will be on a case by case basis.
One time I gave my 10% to the church. It left me with very little in my bank acct. The next day a big gust of wind blew my door and broke the window. Plus my dog got sick.From then on I gave what I could. Jesus wouldn't of want me to stress over money. I give cheerfully from my heart. I like to put in a few dollars at stores when they are collecting for a cause. It helps someone and is not a burden on me.Now the mailmen will collect can food soon so I like to pick up some and put in mailbox. I feel good about it and its easy to do.Not a burden. Merry Christmas everyone
Witnesses are a good alternative for people too cheap to become Mormons. :D