Could I have your thoughts???

by mindfield 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • aChristian

    : Paul said the good news had already been preached in all the inhabited earth. The "end" didn't come then.

    Yes, it did. For "the end" which Jesus referred to in Matt. 24:14 was quite clearly the end of Jerusalem and its Temple. For Christ's words in Matt. 24:14 were spoken in response to a series of questions which his disciples had just asked him after hearing Jesus predict that Jerusalem's Temple would one day be completely destroyed. Matthew 24:1-3 tells us that after Jesus' disciples called his attention to the Temple buildings he told them, "Not one stone here will be left on another. Every one will be thrown down." His disciples then asked him, "When will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Christ then informed them of various things which they would soon witness. Among these things were wars, famines, earthquakes and false Christs. Finally he mentioned that the good news of the kingdom would be very widely preached before "the end" came.

    Christ's words in the verses which immediately follow Matt. 24:14 all clearly refer to the siege which the Roman armies would bring upon Jerusalem beginning in 66 AD and how it would affect Jerusalem's residents. Thus the immediate context of Matthew 24:14 clearly indicates that Christ's words describing a preaching work that would be done before "the end" came were almost certainly describing the gospel message which Christians would succeed in spreading throughout the entire world, as it was then known to Christ's apostles, before Rome's armies besieged Jerusalem in 66 AD.

    Farkle, your post implies that Christ's predictions did not come true. History indicates that they did.

  • Thirdson

    Hey Lionel from the UK,

    Are you related to JRR Hartley? Or are you too young to remember the mini-saga quest for "Fly Fishing for Beginners".

    OK, I bet I lost everyone now. I'll explain later if no one gets this.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • teejay


    Excellent number crunching. There's the problem.

    Your inference makes too much sense, something that the GB understands clearly but will never allow the r&f to think about. If their theology were true, that god won't act until the entire world gets a witness, then according to your numbers the end couldn't be right around the corner as they hope the masses will believe. Based on your numbers alone, we're going to be here a long time.

    Hello, Lionel. You said,

    But Jehovah is a reader of hearts. True, coverage is sparse in the countries you mention - but who knows the mind of God? Will not Jehovah himself examine the heart? And cleave the very marrow from the bone?

    Let's say you are right. There *is* a Jehovah and he DOES read hearts. Then why all the preaching?

    Why hold off on straightening out the mess humanity's been in for centuries? Why not just read hearts, kill the incorrigible baddies, save the goodies, and get this over with?


    What luck for rulers that men do not think.
    -- Adolf Hitler
  • Mazza

    Out of the nearly 6 billion people in the world, the good news according to Jehovahs Witnesses is only preached in a small percentage of the world. There are 1.2 billion people in China alone. Indonesia has a massive population and added to it there is the rest of Asia and India who has very little JW activity. Even though the WTS sends so called missionaries to these locations, their efforts couldn't possibly be said to be fulfilling Math 24. 14. There must be about 1 witness in China for every half a million Chinese. Now even at one hundred and fifty hours per month, the WTS can hardly expect the missionaries to keep up. I would guestimate that there are about 3 billion people in the world who have never even heard of JWs.

    Anyway the Witnesses squib out of the world wide preaching work. They say that it's not necessary to go everywhere. It's enough that their beliefs are represented in these countries with populations too large for the Society to deal with. So we have a situation where by witnesses go door knocking the same territory in suburbian America, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, every 3 months - because for some reason white nations are more deserving or receptive than foreign folks in difficult to cover places. Somehow JW authorities are more than content with their explanation of their efforts and Math 24. 14. Go figure!!!!


  • radar

    FED UP

    Notice the same old mind control and dellusion those people were under back then.
    JAMES 5:8....The PRESENCE of the LOrd as drawn close...2000yrs ago?how close is that!

    .........................some time later.

    ..........and still holding on to this hope of a PROMISED PRESENCE...

    Revelation 22:20....I am coming QUICKLY..Come Lord Jesus come.
    Notice the urgent need for some "presence" in John's writing.

    It was all an illusion. Don't hang around for another 2000yrs will you?


    All that we see or seem/ Is but a dream within a dream.

    -Edgar Allen Poe

  • gibsite

    Do Witnesses actually claim to be presenting the same "Good News" as the first century christians ? I don't think they do. My JW family seem to preach something based on (some sort of obscure) fulfillment of what they are told is prophetic scripture. They have never claimed to me to be preaching the same message as the first century christians !

  • Naeblis

    Stay away from my thoughts...

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,
    Any similarity between what JWs preach today and the message of the early church is, as they say in movieland ``purely coincidental.''
    Words such as ``grace,'' ``redemption,'' ``salvation,'' ``reconciliation of God to man,'' ``charity'' and ``forgiveness'' which figured prominently in the vocabulary of Jesus and the apostles are almost totally lacking in the JW lexicon of today.

  • LittleToe

    I caught your reference.
    It was a "Yellow Pages" advert, wasn't it?

    To bring my comments back on thread - Perhaps an add could be placed in the "Yellow Pages" Internet version under the heading "Good News"!!! Then the whole world would have access to it...unless the Chinese government get their way and ban the Internet there.


  • Yerusalyim


    Silly Rabbit, the Catholic Church by itself reaches out to more indigenous persons who have not heard the Gospel than the Society could ever hope to, and is way more effective at it as the Catholic Church also makes attempts to feed, cloth and educate the poor in those countries, or just give them a dignified death. This is not to mention the myriad of Protestant missionaries who are out with the Catholics being killed for the faith in places the Witnesses don't even talk about. It's not the number of hours that's important, but the message carried and it's effectiveness. How many Witness hours are really the car ride, the donut shop, the street corner discussion about the ball game or how the Dubs can't wait for Armageddon? It might help if the Society actually lived and taught the true gospel.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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