Are you automatically disfellowshipped if you join the Military?

by pratt1 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Cindi_67

    Yes. It is an automatic disassociation, not disfellowship. It is an action they consider automatic rejection from being a Witness and they used to anounce it as "so and so has disassociated from the Org."

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    We have to follow Jesus The Prince of Peace ; hello head of an army!

    We must not help in the manufacture of something that would harm another human being ; hello weakness goodbye freedom come in and walk all over us, concentration camps anyone?

    According to the Witless argument it is right and proper for everyone in the United States to cease defence work and not to even think of participating in anything millitary .Could anybody who holds this view be sectioned under the mental health act and do they not learn anything from history ? oops! too late the weak have been obliterated.

  • mann377

    Just as a side note: So many of the elder dubs are retired military and as a conditon of their retirment they MUST agree to be activated back into the military in the case of a national emergency. They are still considered a part of the military as long as they recieve military retirement pay. How many elders have you known that were retired military? Is anything done to them? 30 years ago I knew of a brother who was DA for being drafted, the judicial committee was all retired military!

  • Fisherman

    You cannot be df because of joining the military because it will cause the wts trouble. Therefore, in order to avoid that trouble the wts uses disass as the means to kick you out. But really, any other act that has the df penalty is quite the same, but because the wts cannot get in trouble to df a person for those other sins. You get df for lying, sex sins, stealing, But if it ever became the law of the land that such sins were protected by law or anything like that, then the wts will make such sins a disass and not a df. disass is a clever way to circumvent df. Of course, members can also go that route disass instead of getting df.

    But simply put. You will not get df but you will still get kicked out through disass.

  • garybuss

    Just remember that it's not the Watch Tower Society that disfellowships and shuns and snubs, It's your friends and relatives. I've never personally seen the Watch Tower Society itself punish one single person.

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