A brother from the 1st Ministerial Training School in Australia, quit his missionary assignment in Asia. The society had to send him in as an English teacher otherwise Missionaries are not given Visa's. So on assignment he had to teach english part-time for a small wage. What he was shocked to discover was that they insisted he hand over his teaching wages to the society since he was "their" missionary, and recieved a small amount of money from them. This did not go down too well with this intelligent fellow...so scratch one missionary, not a good start for the first school...this experience did not make it into the Yearbook.
Aust= Missionary Quits!! Watchtower wants his "English Teacher" wages???
by Witness 007 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yep, that's the way it was.
Now, do you know him personally? Is it you perhaps?
If so, we know each other very well.
Witness 007
It's not me....I went to the first graduation and new some of the boys in the class.
Why are you lying about Jehover's Borganization?
Surely, they wouldn't steal this man's wages...
Would they????
No, they would steal your soul and then you will give freely of yourself. It's that way round -remember!
I have no problem with this provided he gets a pension for the WTS when he retires - which of course he wouldnt
Witness 007
Surely they could let him keep the money he was making on the side, and allow him to continue as a Missionary. He thought it was morally wrong for them to make him hand over his pay check to a rich ORG. considering that missionaries live on "peanuts" from Bethel.
"No one can pocket any money until they become a C.O." - Slavemaster's Manifesto pg 666.
I hope he tells them where they can find his money. Up his arse!
I hope he tells them where they can find his money. Up his arse!