Do JW's really care for one another?

by JH 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH
    One thing i despised at the elders meeting how those (5 hrs or less) were talked about. Most of the elders had no mercy. IT WAS ALL ABOUT NUMBERS.

    And that's why many JW's put more hours on their report, just to avoid such prejudice.

  • *summer*

    I suppose JWs are like any other groups of individuals.

    Some do care for one another.

    And some don't.

  • JH

    It's one thing to care, and another thing to ACT !!!

  • ldrnomo

    I believe they would care if that's what they were told would give them everlasting life. However they are too busy trying to do all the things that the borg tells them they need to do to get everlasting life. So thay are just too busy to care, now if you could care about other witnesses and count time, we would have all kinds of caring people.

  • chickpea

    one of the real rippers for me is how a friend of mine, whom i never would have known had i not been assimilated, was treated by the borg and its adherents like a pariah for decades, ostracised as an adolescent as the BAD one all the while having never swallowed a drop of alcohol, or smoked a cigarette, or participated in the "naked picture" ring ( like a present elder at that hall had done as a youth.... HOW did he get to bethel??) .... she was always the one people said to avoid and even tho she was DF'd for immorality at 19, she jumped thru all the hoops to be reinstated TWICE in her life......

    when she NEEDED cong support to face blood issues relating to a child's surgery for a congenital heart one from the HLC gave a rat's @ss, because she was inactive in terms of field service.... HELLO!!! her baby's heart had a HOLE in it!!!! and she lived out in the boonies and yada yada ..... and yet she managed to make it to sunday meetings and even many service mtg/TMS nights despite the nealy 60 mile round trip with 3 kids on crappy, deer-ridden county roads ALONE in terms of adult assistance

    her pious mother has sided with the non JW estranged spouse (who is a convicted SO, a 3 time convicted drunk driver, and an adulterer who has no respect for any of the tenets of the "faith") in a bitterly contested child custody case..... several "sisters" have declared they are stunned, surprised, in disbelief..... but nary a one has offered to speak out for her........

    so yeah.... they care...... as little as is humanly possible.... and they will hide behind the "direction" of the borg......

    they deserve the fall that is headed their way

  • Fisherman

    Not really in the sense of no strings attached. Jws are people like eveyone else but there seems to be something motivating benevolance towards another jw and that is what they are getting out of it from the cong.

    Case in point: A jw eld may talk to a depressed jw that he happened to meet on the street one day.Perhaps the jw has been bmissing meetings. THe eld would appear to be very encouraging and loving and even listen to private expressions meant for his ears only. BUt later the eld would tell the po or the whole body about the incident. The eld would say. "Heyyyy bro so an so, I came across bro soo and so while going home, I encouraged him I nvited hinm to the meetings. He sems to be concerned with this and that. He said this and and that."

    A fellow jw cannot be truly trusted as he may go to the eld and reveal confidential talk. An eld cannot be truly trusted as he can reveal confidential talk to the po or his family or other eld. THere are exceptions with the eld and the jws but it does not cancell out the others that hurt people.

    JWS and people in general are out for themselves. "Spritual" acts in the cong can be motivated by competition for position respect recognition attention duty. That is not to say that jws do not have compassion and pity and such like virtues, they do!! and even more so than the average mo!

    But in relation to each other generally ( and hyprocricaly with the excexption of family members) there seems to be a motive behind any seeming caring act and a jw needs to be careful and analyze when another jw offeerrs to do something etc. Is it love or for points.

  • bronzefist

    Depending on who you ask. I've never met a group of people that will turn on each other as quickly as witnesses.


  • JH
    I've never met a group of people that will turn on each other as quickly as witnesses.

    The Watchtower makes up these rules ....

  • flipper

    As some said, they only care about the production they can get out of you, not you as a human being or real person! And that my friend, is the truth in a nutshell

  • freydi

    The dubs are nothing more than an ongoing behavior modification experiment where care is only expressed in terms of how closely you follow rules. They're like a herd of geese. If one gets shot down they rest just keep honking at each other. I heard a talk about that once at a district convention by a CO that you shouldn't feel bad if you're called a bird-brain and likened publishers to honking geese.

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