Having Phobias : Negative Images Keep People Cult Controlled- By Hassan

by flipper 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    WT WIZARD- I agree with you. I too lost income because of having to do the door to door magazine selling. I'm doing a lot better now financially.

    WITNESS 007- I did read about the " love bombing ". Something cults do when new members come in to make them feel loved. Then as time goes by they stop. Sound familiar ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Mr. Flipper,

    I was reading it when I was love bombing a young and ardent "newbie" Bible student at the hall. My love bombing, however, was from our JWD standpoint [I was already on my way out but still attending meetings]. I was telling him to take it slow and easy and ask lots of questions, all the while essentially acting the role of a JW. He was having problems at home and stopped attending prior to my own exit forever. I don't know if he ever resumed. He has some JW relatives.

    Thanks for your good topics and for asking how I'm doing. In an earlier post to you that aborted I mentioned I was well and finally busy with all the work I need. The rest of the time I'm here - yes, I do have a life!


    I was love bombing a young and ardent "newbie" Bible student at the hall. My love bombing, however, was from our JWD standpoint [I was already on my way out but still attending meetings]. I was telling him to take it slow and easy and ask lots of questions, all the while essentially acting the role of a JW. He was having problems at home and stopped attending prior to my own exit forever.

    Great work, CoCo! I'm prouda you!


  • flipper

    CoCo- It sounds like a technique that works then. Hopefully the young man got out of the witnesses for good for his own sake. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    ESTEE- I agree with you CoCo is a jewel among people ! He really cares about others ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • R.Crusoe

    I feel the reason you find it difficult to dis a cult is because they trade all your thoughts and emotions with any minor positive about themselves. I have noticed some one sided relationships are like this too - with one person reluctantly feeding carrotts to the other for larger pay offs. And the carrott may seem like the ultimate pay off anyone can offer even though the one offering it has little to lose e.g. you will get everlasting life if......etc. Remember the kindness shown you by the brothers and sisters by releasing you from your bondage to worldly mind control of hell fire etc... and so don't you feel compelled to dedicate your life (give a lifetimes obedience) to Jehovah? This kind of cult reasoning binds a person to a way of life - it does not encourage them to search their hearts and minds and continue to meke decisions based upon their human intuition and freewill - the very things they utilised to suck you into their mind control!!

  • Dogpatch

    I always recommend "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Hassan to my readers as one of the first things they should read upon leaving the JWS, and for an outsider talking TO JWs. It is about HOW you talk to cult members, more so than WHAT to say. Very important!

    Randy Watters


  • flipper

    R. CRUSOE- Yes the Watchtower society does everything they can to dictate to witnesses about every aspect of their lives. They leave no stone unturned. They try to take all their critical thinking ability away and rob them of ANY free will. Sick stuff !

    DOGPATCH- I agree with you. My mom used to tell me as a "semi-rebel " teenager ," Mr. Flipper it's not what you are saying to me, it's how you are saying it . " So it goes as you say with getting people out of the witness cult, we have to be careful of the manner we do it in. It is a hard enough proposition, why make it harder, right ? Peace out Dogpatch, Mr. Flipper Keep your good work up guy !

  • JK666

    I have a question. Do you think that the GB and Writing Department have shrinks on staff to craft this mind control? Or do they just come by it naturally?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Offhand, does anyone know if the Society has ever discussed mind-control and how it's used upon recruits? It is different from the oft-used term "brainwashing."

    It seems it would be pretty self-incriminating if they did publish the techniques employed by unscrupulous manipulators.



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