JK- Hey my good friend ! How ya doin"? In answer to your question , from what I've read so far in this book , I think the Watchtower society comes by this mind control naturally, even unwittingly should I dare say ! I know they drone on about how organized they are and all. But I don't think as an organization they are intelligent enough to have like, " mind control schools ". I just feel that the GB smoothly, subtly use sly wording and catch phrases in their elder schools and make it status quo to manipulate the rank and file publishers with the witnoid terminologies they indoctrinate the elders with. Then, they try to pass it off to the rank and file as " building them up spiritually ".
COMPOUND COMPLEX- I don't think as you say the GB could ever admit to their elders, circuit overseers, or district overseers that they are using mind control. This mind control is a subtle art as Steve Hassan's book shows. One in which the deception is in the subtlety of the con game. Whereas you are right brainwashing is different in that it is an outright attempt by enemies to change our thinking. But cult mind control is different from brainwashing in that the perpetrators of it, pose as friends to us that " alledgedly " have our best interests at heart. Just like the Watchtower society. That subtlety is what makes the attack so dangerous