Lies on Line...I always thought JWD was a forum for Honesty

by restrangled 154 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    OMG, I think I'm gonna cry. I guess I have to explain.

    We were funnin' Outlaw about his dog pic, and he was returning with some good old western high noon at the saloon talk. I responded with a line from the old western movie "True Grit". John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn. I figured Outlaw would recognize it.

  • oldflame
    look back a few years. Comparatively, things were downright NASTY then


    Man you ain't kidding either, I was also apart of some of that too, I came here in 2001 and I was a very bitter man for being lied to and almost tricked into this cult. I bagged out just 2 weeks before baptism. None the less I was pissed because my spirituality is so important to me that to think I had been fooled really made me mad and I would tell anyone anything. Specially when it came to some jerk off know it all that could do nothing but call names.

    Today I look back and I have to laugh at myself and others because those who have been here for a long time have really tuned down a great deal. I think that after time here you learn to humble ourselves a bit. This place is a great tool for reordering your lives away from the society.

    Man things were nasty then, everyone calling each other dickheads etc.........Simon was probably pulling his hair and teeth out over all of us, I am sure he asked himself if this was all worth it. Anyway just my 2 cents. It was great to deja vu ....

  • nvrgnbk

    I think OUTLAW's greatly exaggerated the "fatness" of the one-eyed man in question.


    Beksbks..I recognize the Lines from the Movie..It`s all good..You were a good sport and added to the humour..Well done!....................Nvrgnbk..Your a Trouble Maker!!..LOL!!..Good Night Bud................................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Junction-Guy

    Good night, Im getting ready to hit the hay too.

  • JK666

    I am in awe. I have never seen a person that knew so little about so many different subjects!


  • AlphaOmega
    You have offered nothing but critisicm, not even constructive criticism at that. You have no clue what empathy is, you just want to attack people who have different religious and political views as yourself.

    I have only read a few of these pages, but even though other posters may have said this, I feel compelled to say it too.

    I have different religious views to NVR, yet he has nothing but respect for my views, as I do for his.

    He has encouraged both believers and non-believers alike here - myself included.

  • Priest73

    good god! can we all put on our big girl panties and get back to discussing the oral sex thread?!?!

  • OnTheWayOut

    This thread is getting much needed venting out. Just leave it here when you are done.

    JWD is just an insignificant chat site where former members of an insignificant religion
    look for fellow understanding. The very nature of it's being a chat site allows much

    Before you condemn someone, think about why they might have lied or even if it really
    is a lie. If someone slightly (or greatly) misrepresented some of their own history, it could
    have been because the truth was complicated, or it could have been for personal reasons.
    I have never really "lied" on here, but have maintained slightly altered stories to protect
    my exact identity. Even if the "liar" posts pictures and stories that reveal who they are,
    they could still have valid reasons to simplify or alter their personal story.

    Consider that the other person may be the liar also. If people have not lied to hurt you,
    perhaps you can forget about it. Also, I find the best lie is just a misrepresentation of
    the truth.

    Tomorrow, I want you all to get along.

  • blondie

    Is there a group of any people that can say they never lie or stretch the truth whether it be jws, exjws, Christians, atheists, democrats, republicans, etc. We are all individuals and there will always be some who don't tell the truth. That is why it is good to be wary. Truth stretchers are found IRL and hard to discover as well.

    After many years in an organization that indirectly and directly encouraged deceit, a world around us full of deceit, I am never surprised. It is good to try and confirm what you can and be cautious about making serious decisions on info you can't confirm.


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