Marry me?
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
by Yerusalyim 16 Replies latest jw friends
Marry me?
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
Yeru!! you debbil you lol....hugs,T
Hi Sirona!1
Yes,I agree. That's why this topic interested me. Can you recommend some books to me? I'm trying to further my reading on this. hey I didnt see any moaning there lol.....hugs,Tina
Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!
Books on pagan holidays? or other? The origins of our holidays now?
mmmm let me know specifically...and I will find out...
Hi Sirona,
I have several books on holday origins,but was wondering about pagan celebrations. I've read about it some,but would like to go deeper into it. I appreciate this.Thanks! hugs,tina
Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!
Tina, like I said, I don't want to join the ranks of those who don't get along with you. That being said, I will reply to your post:
>Some of us are quite interested in religions,their beginnings and evolution.
I wasn't saying people SHOULDN'T investigate backgrounds of holidays, etc. I was responding to your statement that people SHOULD KNOW the origins of such. My point is that they don't NEED to know unless they have that interest. There's lots of stuff I am interested in and have studied about. And there are many more that I'm just not interested in. Do people NEED to know all the things YOU feel are important to know?
>Ever take any classes in comparative religion? Religious history? Philosophy etc? Many degreed people out there have made this topic their life study. You don't get out much into academia do ya?
And you know this how???? Or are you just ASSuming? As a matter of fact, I have studied religious studies/history and sociology as well. What does that have to do with my point that you are wrong about people NEEDING to have this knowledge when they are not interested in it?
>Try opening and scrubbin yours darlin before you make such assinine assumptions as to why people think the way they do. Get it? Yeru happens to be a friend of mine and I dont think he minds debate with me.
Tina, now I know why some people don't like you around here. Nevertheless, I don't carry a grudge despite your rudeness. Debate all you desire, dear. If you believe knowing the background of all celebrations is a necessity for life, then that's fine with me. I happen to enjoy history very much but know that to many people it's boring. And as Yeru stated, since everything comes from pagans, well....
By the way, Yeru is right about your very limited knowledge about Catholic History. Try educating yourself by reading some unbiased sources and then your debate will sound much more balanced.
Have a nice evening.
'My rudeness?' You're the one that put the "get it's and wrote in the bitchiest tone. You have no idea to the what my knowledge is dearie,you sure didnt provide any evidence of yours. In fact, all you did was attack and insult. lol You dont impress me. And thanks for ANOTHER rude post lol....Peeps like you make me laugh....write blatantly insulting posts,then point your finger when you get replied to in kind.And if it's 'boring' why are you bothering other than to attack me here? A far as knowledge,seeems like I was the only one to back up my statements with some that are historically verifiable. Where's yours you blathering idiot.
No,YOU brought up "NEEDING to know' this 'necessity' is coming from you dearie, not me. The words NEEd and necessity are not in any of my posts... re-read your own posts.
'now you know why people dont like me?' 'not picking a fight?' this is exactly what you're doing lol.Just because you make a disclaimer,the rest of your writing shows thats exactly what you wanted to do and did.
And since I'm not here f for a popularity contest,it's no skin of my back who doesnt like me. My sense of self and image isn't incumbant on being Miss Popularity lolol... grow up. Altho I can say with all confidence and assurity that I have many many friends here....
See ya ,another twit to ignore lol talk about clueless lololol free speech? board? open debate? if you're not interested,don't bother? get it?
Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!
Did you or did you not say this:
>I dont give a toss what folks celebrate. They SHOULD understand the real history of what they're doing is all.
Okay you didn't use the word "need" you used "should." However, my basic point with my initial post is: I disagree with your opinion that people SHOULD understand the real history of what they're doing just because you say so. My opinion is that some people are happily in oblivion just having their little celebrations, which really are excuses for families to be together and leaving it at that. And if a Catholic guy likes his Church's celebration of All Souls Day, then let him have it.
On the othere hand, some people are interested in those types of things and that's their prerogative. I think the dubs are anal in insisting that people NOT do things just because of pagan origins and that was also another point in my post. And I think some ex-dubs have residue from their dub days in INSISTING that the whole world must know the origins of everything they celebrate. And pagans find it offensive to be put in this derogatory light.
In my opinion, you didn't back up anything you posted. Spouting off typical anti-Catholic propaganda doesn't mean a person is well-informed. It usually means they are biased. I don't know you at all and you don't know me either. But even your friend Yeru doesn't appear to think you're well-informed on the Catholic Church.
Someone else said you like to brag about your "friends" and send them private e-mails telling them to ignore or chase away posters you don't like. Frankly, you can ignore my posts or e-mail about me. I've been through worse. This is the first time I've ever addressed you anyways. I don't remember reading many of your posts in the past.
Finally, Tina, I do not have anything against you. I have just read others' opinions of you but never really cared one way or the other. You said you like to debate and that's what I was doing. I disagreed with a statement you made and stated the reason why. But you don't seem to like people who disagree with you. I didn't know saying "Get it?" was rude. Guess you learn something new every day. Or was I supposed to have some sort of reverence for you since you have so many friends in high places and all?