
by RichieRich 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • kerj2leev
    In all of this you never came back until now .... a lot of hot air and attacking me and anyone else on this forum not agreeing with you, but not answering anything

    Exactly! Nothing but one big deflection of the issues.

    I love the life lesson Richie is learning, with his attitude I'm sure he is going to go far in this world. I think some may be enabling his actions with their compassion.

  • bikerchic

    My kudos go to restrangled for having the kahunas to open up this can of worms and get to the bottom of it.

    Many of us have made judgements for or against Richie and rightly so I totally agree with what restrangled's husband said:

    And whoever keeps throwing out the Judgemental Card likes its some double secret ultimate zinger....that just applies in JW circles....if you don't use your judgement on a minute by minute basis you'll never make it out of the house in the morning...and you'll be eaten up and spit out by lunchtime. Its not a curse...its a basic survival skill.

    Richie you're young I hope you've learned a lesson from all of this and go on and make a nice life after all it's all I expect of you to do is to learn from your mistakes and move on, lesson learned. Mistakes are errors in judgement, I for one am not saying that YOU Richie are a mistake but it seems you have made an errant decision and you can do better than that Richie, you been brought up to do better. You'll have to someday you'll have others that depend on you to be honest and forthright for their sakes.

    Now go and make yourself a nice life and hopefully the rest of us can get on with our lives and put this baby to rest.

  • Finally-Free
    No finallly free it does not seem important, unless you own a business.

    I don't mean it's unimportant to those involved. It's their problem and they should deal with it on their own. I'm sure most of us have our own problems much closer to home. I for one prefer to deal with these rather than become embroiled in conflicts between people I've never met.

    I had a business in the past, and I kept problems internal as much as possible. If there's a legitimate grievance a letter from a lawyer could probably accomplish far more than a thousand posts on the internet, which could worsen matters by contributing to negative publicity for Seth's business.


  • Twitch

    Here in the real world, if you aren't on high alert and constantly judging situations, circumstances, are either heavily sedated or running on autopilot.

    Lets get real. We all judge, from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep.

    Good points, restrangledhubby, er, guy.

    Just what I was thinking about this thread and not the first time about threads of high drama. You know, judging things is the price of having an opinion and it's not a bad thing IMO. So someone made a judgement call that you disagree with. Bid deal. Everyone does it, unless of course, you're not like us,....;)

  • bikerchic
    If there's a legitimate grievance a letter from a lawyer could probably accomplish far more than a thousand posts on the internet, which could worsen matters by contributing to negative publicity for Seth's business.

    True! Best way to handle real life issues. Nothing can be done via the Internet except to spread gosip.


    I think Seth got some Great Advertising!..Theres a Line up of people waiting to get their Ass Pierced!!.............It`s becoming more and more fashionable these days..To have a Hole in your Bum!..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • sammielee24

    Richie - nice to hear from you. I have always enjoyed reading your posts. I did not comment on the 'condemnation' post the other day, primarily because I couldn't get my head around the fact that a person you know in your private life would take a private issue to a public forum. That is a piece of nasty work in and of itself. Thank you for all your previous posts. sammieswife.

  • Gretchen956

    This whole thing is between Richie and Seth. Did Richie lie? Maybe, maybe not. But I for one could not care less. It doesn't affect me. People make mistakes. Life goes on.

    We all just need to take a deep breath and calm down.

    Having been fooled by Trevor doesn't give us a blank check to launch into character assassination every time we get suspiscious of someone. Be wary, be cautious. If your judgement is to not trust someone, don't share personal information, or avoid them. Unless they are a danger I don't see the need for the drama we've experienced here.

    Richie I'm not your mom. You don't need me to mother you or give you lectures. I hope that you get this all sorted out and find peace.

    Be well.


  • truthsearcher

    I have refrained from any comment until now.

    Richie, if these things that have been brought up about you are in any way true, then I am really worried for you, not here on JWD, but in real life. (I'm a mom who has had kids make wrong choices and have to live with the nasty consequences). If deceit becomes a way of life, it just becomes a tangled web that leads to heartache. At your age, I messed up badly, and I received a wake up call that I couldn't ignore. It put me on a much better road. Sometimes we just need to step back and reconsider where we are heading. That's something that is good for us all to do from time to time.

  • Vinny

    I fully support and agree with Restrangled's position as well.

    Richie shot out a whole bunch of HOT AIR, in my book.

    But as you will find out, that and about $1.00 might get you a cup of coffee...

    Character, integrity, honesty, respect etc etc have there value too.

    I have confidence that you will figure that out soon enough on your own.

    Peace to you and yours,


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