thankyou for posting that , it would be interesting to see how much the public v private versions differ over a period of time.
2008 Feb 15 - Study Edition PDF
by AlphaOmega 68 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks for the download AlphaOmega.
bite me
When the public version comes out can someone post that too. I'm really interested in why they want to different versions coming out. What are they hiding.
My mom asked me if I wanted a copy from her. No, thanks. She feels I am lost and blames it on my nonbelieving husband. I was told that the different magazines are to keep the public from feeling confused by "theocratic phrases" and counsel meant for those inside the congregation.
drew sagan
Thanks so much!
When the public version comes out can someone post that too. I'm really interested in why they want to different versions coming out. What are they hiding.
While the "members only" version will allow some doctrinal adjustments, they don't seriously
think they can hide anything. It's just a bogus excuse to reduce the printing of mags and let
the members still think there's plenty of mags being published. They can print only a wee bit
more than 6 million of these study mags.It's also likely an intermediate step to combining the WT and Awake. The monthly offer will
eventually be just one magazine that can get thinner and thinner. If they just cut out the offer
mags, publishers will think there's a problem. Gotta have some positive spin. -
Secret groups in modern times have often been formed for quite honorable reasons, possibly for "social and benevolent purposes," according to the Encyclopædia Britannica, and "to carry out charitable and educational programs." Some fraternal organizations, youth clubs, social clubs, and other groups are also secret, or at least semisecret. Generally, these groups are innocent, their members simply finding secrecy exciting. Secret rites of initiation have strong emotional appeal and strengthen the bonds of camaraderie and unity. Members gain the feeling of belonging and a sense of purpose. Secret societies of this kind usually are no threat to nonmembers. Outsiders are none the worse off for not knowing the secrets.
When Secrecy Signals Danger
Not all secret groups are secret to the same degree. But those that have "secrets within secrets," as the Encyclopædia Britannica expresses it, pose a particular danger. It explains that "by the use of special names, ordeals or revelations," members of the top ranks manage to "set themselves apart," thereby stimulating "the lower ranks to the effort necessary to reach the exalted degrees." The danger inherent in such groups is obvious. Those in the lower echelons may be completely unaware of the real objectives of the organization, not having as yet progressed to that level of revelation. It is easy to become involved in a group whose goals and methods of achieving them are only partially recognized and, indeed, perhaps not even fully shared. But the person who has been initiated into such a group may later find it difficult to free himself; he is, as it were, bound by chains of secrecy.
Thanks but no thanks. I have read enough of their lies.
Thanks but no thanks. I have read enough of their lies.
I haven’t downloaded the file, but the cover page appears green. Since this issue is for studies beginning March 17th. Is St. Patrick’s Day an OK Witness holiday? ;)