"Did they do this surgery in some back woods country ? With crude tools and instruments ? "
Yeah. Think: Dr. Nick Riviera. "What's this? 'Flammable' and 'Inflammable' mean the same thing!?"
Mr Flipper, everything down here is 'back woods'. I'm just glad he didn't shove my head down an old gumboot and cut me like a tomcat. His scalpel was probably rusty too.
Vasectomy Horror Stories- Have Any? Or Normal Vasectomy Stories ?
by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends
I think you guys have changed my mind on the vesectomy thing .But I also think that raising a child is even worse , that just sounds like allot of pain ..............
BIGMOUTH- A rusty scalpel, I'm quivering just thinking about it. I've gotta go pee now ! Piss out, Mr. Flipper
Incidently I was a JW and Min Servant at the time. I asked Elders about having it done, no problems they said.
Now I would not be allowed to be a Min Servant if it was known I had had it done.
I had it done while I was an MS after the "new light" where if they knew I wouldn't be allowed to be one...thing is, I didn't tell anyone. It was my decision, I had it done and no one was the wiser.
I had no problems at all. I was pretty cool about the whole thing and the doctor and attending nurse were pretty impressed (by my coolness, not anything else though ) and we kinda joked around during the enitre ordeal.
UU Now
Can someone please enlighten me on this New Light about vastectomies? What's the
pretextreasoning? What about tubal ligations for women -- any repercussions for that? Or is there nothing they can do since womenaren't real peopledon't hold positions of leadership? -
Brother Apostate
I got mine after my two children were born, as two is enough imo.
I had a little discomfort on one side during the procedure due to the anesthetic not working as well on that side.
Other than that, no big deal.
Went home, lounged out with ice on my marbles and percodan on the brain for three days before I was back in action.
I'd recommend it highly as long as you are certain you'll never want children.
Mine was a piece of cake - a bit of pain and bruising on one side, the other was completely painless. Within a week, all was normal. I didn't take any time off work, but then, I just sit at a desk anyway.
Oh poor Flipper ... I must say I didnt realize it was such a problem
I intend to have this done as well, so I'd also love to hear your stories.My Grandson had it done ,,did not go back for the final check up.... & his wife got pregnant. He felt it wasnt his. divorced !!!!But DNA proved it WAS HIS!!!! Now that son is being raised by another man -the ex is living with but because they share custody of two other children .....he gets to see his own son, but must NOT tell him that HE IS THE REAL FATHER So go back & get it checked ...His didnt work
My husband had the "big V" done two years ago. I was amazed at how it didn't take but 30 minutes for the procedure. When I saw him walk out, I thought he must have changed his mind! LOL...But no he said he was done. After a few days he was fine without any soreness. Two weeks later the doc said he was all clear!
I think doctors in general don't have a real appreciation for pain. This includes dentists, too. I've had doctors wanting to do things to me with little or no anesthesia. What the hell is wrong with those people? It's not the Civil War anymore, we have medicine! My wife had to have some biopsies done and the sadistic bastard of a doctor did them with no anesthesia, and then on top of that, he didn't give her a prescription for pain medication. He told her to just take a couple Tylenol. My wife called him the next morning because not only was she in severe pain, it appeared that she had an infection. Of course, you NEVER get the doctor on the phone, just his assistant dog-washer or whoever-the-hell they let answer the phone around there. The doctor didn't call back all day or call in the prescription. My wife called me at work crying and telling me that she has been waiting all day to get a prescription called in. I had to call his office and threaten violence to get them to call in a prescription. I told him that the only thing that was saving his ass at that particular moment was the fact that his office closed in 20 minutes and I was 30 minutes away. I think every doctor should have to be cut, gouged, proddded, burned, drilled, and anything else that they like to do to their patients on a daily basis. That way, they would know exactly how it feels and why they should give people enough pain medicine before they start hacking away at you. There's no such thing as "normal pain".