Vasectomy Horror Stories- Have Any? Or Normal Vasectomy Stories ?

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    I had mine done about 18 years ago: absolutely no problems, in and out in under an hour, no pain (I drove home afterwards), the scars healed within a couple of days. After a while (3 months? I don't remember now) I sent in a sample for testing and was told I still had about 5% sperm; repeated test (after 6 months?), got the all clear to discontinue other birth control methods.

    Having said that, my jaw hit the floor when I walked in to the small operating theatre -- it turned out the surgeon was an old school friend I'd lost touch with! Funnily enough, I think I coped with the embarassment better than he did! So while he was fiddling with my balls we had a very pleasant time reminiscing over old times!

    If anyone's thinking of getting snipped, personally, I'd unreservedly recommend it.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all your responses ! Wow! I never knew there were so many other guys who had this done ! I do really recommend a vasectomy to those men who don't plan on having any more children, just get a reliable doctor, who knows what the hell he is doing ! My botched situation is rare. Usually the vasectomies go smoothly with little or no problems. So, guys don't fear it , you'll be glad you did it .

    HEATHEN- I wholeheartedly recommend vasectomies. Most of the time nothing happens . I just had a bad doctor who " goofed ", and wouldn't admit it verbally anyway. Most operations go smoothly , don't let it discourage you.

    UNDERCOVER- Yeah, I never knew the rules were changed that you couldn't be a MS if you had a vasectomy . Do you know what the reason they gave for that was ? What scripture did they use on that one ? I'm dying to know ! Glad your operation went smooth.

    U.U. NOW- Yeah, I just asked Undercover that too ! Inquiring minds want to know ! Talk about a controlling cult ! A guy can't even get his balls snipped or worked on without the elders wanting to snoop in and take pictures or something !

    BROTHER APOSTATE- My dear Dr. Evil, how good to hear from you ! Glad to hear you got through your surgery alright too ! Hope Fat Bastard wasn't your surgeon ! I thought since you stole Austin's mojo in your last movie, you would have balls of steel. Man, I really agree with you, it is not a good scene when the anesthetic doesn't work on one side. Scary !

    RUNNING MAN- Glad to hear you didn't have any problems. A little bruising, not bad .

    MOUTHY- Well, I was just one of the rare unlucky ones who had an idiot for a doctor ! I'm so sorry that happened to your grandson. I guess if he doubted the child was his, his marriage was probably on the rocks anyway , huh? So sad. Fortunately me and Mrs. Flipper won't be hearing the pitter patter of little feet, because we are both " fixed " so to speak ! LOL!

    BABYGIRL75- Glad your husbands operation went good. I'm envious !

    DORKTACULAR- I agree. There are some real quacks of doctors out there. I agree with you that the doctors should let the patients operate on them sometime, and see how they like it !

    WANDERLUST GUY- I'm glad you made it through alive dude ! I raised a ruckus too during my procedure when the doc poked that needle in my balls . I'm sure all the patients in the waiting room heard my new swear words I was creating that even sailors didn't know existed !

    ELLDER WHO- I'm glad you had it done, but wow! a hernia at the same time ? Too much operation for me guy! And about the avatar, my wife joined the board first , and I started posting . I actually post more than her, so we just kept it, since I do most of the posting. So when you see pink, that is why on the avatar !

    JUSTSOMEDUDE- Don't worry guy. You will do fine ! My experience was very rare. Most guys have no problem. I just had a butcher for a doctor ! Just make sure you have a good doctor.

    BEM- It is a great and noble thing for us men to do this for our ladies. My wife and I can breathe easy too !

    GERARD- I agree. Gotta make sure to cut and snip the " vas deferens duct " and not something else ! My crazy-a$$ doctor poked my blood vessel and before i knew it, one of my balls was doing a poor imitation of the " parting of the Red Sea ". Sick stuff, man !

    NELLY136- You were rough on your ex ! His poor balls must have been mush by the time you got him home driving on bumpy roads like that ! Of course, if he later cheated on you, he deserved it !

    BIGWILLY- LOL! Yeah, I wouldn't want a guy with a polka dot tie cutting into my balls either ! Glad you and your lady are happy !

    AMBER ROSE- It's really not that bad usually. I just had a rare experience.

    SWEETSTUFF- Glad your ex got off easy in the pain department ! Wow! A 10 pound baby, that was a big baby ! All mine were over 8 pounds each ! Good size . It is liberating not having to worry about getting pregnant again ! Or in my case my wife not getting pregnant ! But we have both bases covered, she had a tubal ligation years ago ! So, lucky us !

    IT SUPPORT- Nothing like sharing your balls with an old buddy, eh? LOL! Glad you healed up well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • darkuncle29

    This thread reminds me of the movie Hard Candy. Ewwwww! snip! If you're going in for a V, DO NOT watch this movie beforehand.

    Kinda related, when I was a baby, I had a hernia 'down there' and they fixed it. When I had an apendectomy as a teen, some of the muscles on the right side got glued together with scar tissue and caused pain for a few months, painful and strange sensation.

  • flipper

    DARK UNCLE- I had a hernia when I was 2 also, very young. My mom said I tried to lift stuff too heavy for myself . Sorry you had so much weird stuff go on with your midsection. Wow! Glad ya still got your balls ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • cabasilas

    I'd be interested in reading about the change on this. I remember back about 85 or so the WT came out and said this was permissable. When did this change happen? Can anyone point to where the change was made back to not allowing vasectomies?

    What happened to those brothers who had a vasectomy during the time when it was allowed? Were they allowed to continue as ministerial servants and elders after the change back?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I was awke for mine and it was no big deal. the sack swelled up fairly large so I just laid around with a bag of frozen peas. I took ibruprofin for pain. Swelling went down to a comfortable level b4 I had intercourse again. The only weird thing was when my wife finally felt comfortable to stop taking the pill. She would wake up the next day and panic because she thought she forgot.

  • dinah

    Wha happened, I just saw your name on this thread and though of WLG's story. Talk about 6 degrees. I'm laughing my butt off.

  • Confession

    What do ya know? Just had mine this past September 1st. Here's my experience...

    The initial shot was a little painful. As the doctor said, "It's gonna feel like a little kick in the nuts." After that there were some unpleasant sensations, but nothing major. I think it only took about 15 minutes or so.

    My daughter drove me home. I too walked around with frozen peas in my underwear off and on for about a week. I will tell you this: my healing took a looong time. I have no idea why. Yes, it did get better and better, but very, very slowly. I was still in a fair amount of pain for two months afterward. (Sitting down remained a slow process during this time.) The truth is, now, more than three months after, while I'm fine...I do still feel a very slight bit of soreness. Nothing that causes me any problems, but it's definitely something I feel.

    I've read so many internet experiences (as well as the ones here) that mention "some soreness for two or three weeks afterward." That would have been lovely, but mine took much, much longer.

  • flipper

    CABASILAS- I'm curious too what possessed the society to make having a vasectomy an offense so you couldn't be a ministerial servant. Why on earth having a vasectomy would dictate how spiritual you are, is beyond me !

    WHA HAPPENED ?- So you had some pain, but got through it. Your wife had panic attacks over not taking her pill ? That's funny! Shows you how much we are creatures of habit !

    DINAH- Yeah! Hilarious ! Vasectomies are a barrel of fun and laughter ! Peace sis ! Funny!

    CONFESSION- I definitely know how you feel from experience. After my surgery to remove the blood cot from my left nut ,it took about a month to get back to normal. I had to have a damned plastic tube hanging out the bottom of my balls to drain any leftover blood ! Sick. It was pretty humiliating. I'm glad you are gradually healing

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Regarding pain, I had mine done on friday, went back to work on monday. The stiches were no big deal. I realize I'm on the far end of the scale as far as no side effects or pain, as several of my friends had the procedure done because mine appeared so easy. Theirs ranged from my experiance, to having to go back into surgery to aleviatte side effects and other issues.

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