I was here discussing religious self-deceit and I am glad to see that you broadly agree with me over this matter.
I certainly do. Its the accoutrements that cause all the arguments, and always has been. For example, I have my own reasons for holding to the theological tenets of the "trinity" insofar as my biblical belief-set goes. In experiential terms I would refine that and hold "Christ" as being the public face of God. However I just shake my head at the folks who argue that a good understanding of the Trinity is a basic requirement for salvation. It has been a bone of contention for the last 1600 years and is one that evidences no clear and unequivocal statement from the first Century. Maybe all those martyrs died for nothing, huh?
Several times I've quoted CS Lewis, regarding keeping a completely open mind regarding the "salvation" of people of other faiths (or none).
i predict "burntheships" will be an atheist 2 years from now
They suggested such nonsense to me several times over the last six years, but here I still am, believing as strongly as ever. To be candid I feel that such comments are incredibly ignorant and condescending. Go wash your mouth out with soap! Seratonin: I disagree with the multiple definitions concept, on the following basis. When a scientific subject is being discuss we should use scientific definitions. Likewise when discussing spirituality we should at least attempt to understand some theological parley. Unfortunately the WTS educated us with neither. I would suggest that if we can't be clear about what we're talking about we should probably consult a dictionary or hold our tongues. In this instance I agree with the definition of a theory that you posted. When I look at the facts (especially artifacts) they line up nicely in accordance with the evolution theory, to me and countless others. They also probably wouldn't be teaching it in schools if they weren't pretty sure about it. Unlike BA and the WTS I don't ascribe to the idea that "theory" means "unproven concept". The word for that is "hypothesis" and evolution is far beyond the hypothesis stage. Anyhow, regarding evolution and this thread, "that's about all I've gotta say about that".