First off, let me tell you that I don't view you guys, or myself, as apostates. That word somehow carries along with it a negative sense of destruction and hate. What I'm wondering is, what is an apostate then? And how do you view yourselves? Many of you, after reading your posts, are survivors. How about those who found out negative aspects and are now condemning the org (i know that's misspelled)? Just curious.
What are apostates?
by mindfield 16 Replies latest jw experiences
the meaning of aposate is to renounce faith in ones religion. It can also mean abandoning a previous loyalty. For example, my dog is an apostate. She is loyal until someone else offers her food.
"I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."
Hi fed up!
From a WTS view an apostate will be anyone who doesn't keep to the latest teachings of the WTS, and is therefore in opposition to the organisation.
It is used as a label to categorise all those who would have the temerity to think for themselves.
Okay, but what is it REALLY??? And how is the WTS wrong in their use of the word?
Fed-up I guess you could say the wt is wrong in the use of the word inasmuch as they are putting themselves in God's place. Saying a person is an apostate for not believing their interpretations of the Bible. Just because a person does not believe what the society teaches does not mean they have abandoned God.
"I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."
Hey FED UP,hows it goin?If you want the jw`s definition of apostate.Its anybody that dosen`t agree with them and dosen`t mind saying so publicly.That would be me!I won`t put up with liars,cowardly bulleys,or bullshit artists,that would be them.I know your having a bit of a tuff time.Your doing good hang in there,it will take time,but things will get better...OUTLAW
Well the WTS defines its own terms...'apostate' is similar to the word 'heretic'. I would not be too bothered about how the WTS uses the word. If they want to demonise those who leave they can. It is all about damage limitation...minimising the effect of people leaving.
*hugs* to all!
Thanx outlaw and lilacs...
the elder i spoke to said most apostates critisized the org. in order to make them feel better, and that bringing people to their level was their only goal. Apostates wanted to destroy, not to build.But how can you say that about something like this board???
After all, many posts are concerned uniquely with finding another faith, another hope. Some of the posts, are, i admit, a little too much, but hey. This is a free board. We have the right to our own opinions. that's basically one of the reasons i got out anyway. -
The critiscm of the WTS is usually justified...don't you think!? If not...the WTS can argue instead of trying to silence us. If you set yourself out to be 'Gods messenger' etc and you turn out to be full of crap...folks are entitled to call it. It is the same critique the WTS expects others to have when analysing their own religion with a view to changing to the WTS.
Nathan Natas
The word "apostate" is a label used by orthodoxy to malign heterodoxy.
The basic idea expressed by the word "apostate" is "someone who has abandoned his ideals." A deserter. Someone who is no longer cheerfully attending all the meetings, perhaps?
Next up the scale are the "infidels," or "unfaithful" ones. We might imagine that at some point an apostate might perform some forbidden act, like joining a political orrganization just so they could use their library, or joining the YMCA just so they could use the pool.
Worse than an apostate would be a heretic, for a heretic holds unorthodox opinions. A heretic has ideas. I suppose that technically, "evil slaves" would be heretics. If you don't keep up to date with the color and intensity of god's ever-changing light, you might be a heretic!
None of these labels leave much room for the effects of education and growth, do they?
Human history is a progression of ideas. Was Martin Luther an apostate, infidel or heretic when he nailed his message to the church door? Was Charles Taze Russell an apostate, heretic or infidel when he began publishing Zion's Watchtower? It all depends on who is answering the question.
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society can call me anything they want. They have no power in my life, nor do they have any metaphysical power. Their power is all about money and lawyers, manipulation, guilt and lies.