Hi BA,
How would you tell the difference between a natural cycle and actual human-caused global warming?
Just curious as to how YOU understand the mechanisms and causes of a natural shift in temperatures (i.e. ice ages and interglacial warm periods) versus one that would be caused by human. There would be a difference, right? To say that it is one or the other you would have to know WHY it isn't caused by the other reason.
I really am interested in how people view these things.
Disturbing news regarding Arctic Melting.
by sweetstuff 42 Replies latest jw friends
Aw man, I check back after finishing my last paper for the semester (yay me!) hoping for a reply from BA or BrentR...
I just want a reply that shows thought and understanding of the matter, not pasting in someone else's words that support your party line...
See ya'll later, I'm finally off to bed. -
Brother Apostate
Hi BA,
How would you tell the difference between a natural cycle and actual human-caused global warming?
Just curious as to how YOU understand the mechanisms and causes of a natural shift in temperatures (i.e. ice ages and interglacial warm periods) versus one that would be caused by human. There would be a difference, right? To say that it is one or the other you would have to know WHY it isn't caused by the other reason.
I really am interested in how people view these things.
-KSolar fluctuations, deforestation, and GHGs are the primary sources of GW, along with the potential for "tipping the scales" feedback loop caused by warmer oceans, reduced ice coverage, and warmer amosphere capable of storing more GHGs. I don't believe I've left anything out with that statement. The majority of the causes in the past were of natural origin, all we need do is look at the historically cyclical nature of warming and cooling periods (without today's man-made contributions) to avoid jumping to a conclusion that flies in the face of history.
Deforestation and agriculture, as well as industrialization (AGW), have definitely contributed to global warming, that is undeniable. However, comparing this GW period to other GW periods, no convincing evidence to date for AGW being a major source of this period of GW has stood the test of time and scrutiny.
This is my understanding, has been since I researched it in-depth, and I have yet to find convincing evidence or arguments to the contrary. If you know of findings to the contrary, I'm all ears.
Regardless, if the powers that be wish to take steps to reduce hydrocarbon emissions without contributing to economic collapse, a needless increase in poverty, or otherwise return us to the stone age, that is an admirable yet elusive goal.
It doesn't appear it will do squat to reduce GW, but the environment will be cleaner, perhaps. We have little or no say in it anyway.
BA- Regardless, a return to the stone age, economic collapse, and/or the apocalypse may be upon us, or perhaps not, time will tell.
PS- Congratulations on finishing your last paper for the semester ! Woot!
The way I understand it is that the earth goes through a weather change every so many years I recall hearing 400 or 40 years I don't remember exactly which. So the weather paterns we are seeing now is nothing new. But there is still the threat of global warming and I do believe it is real unlike someone in our whitehouse right now. Look at the increase of skin cancer, I am dealing with that right now myself. But in the last 20 years it has increased steadily.
I think this world is in for a huge rude awakening very soon and it's all our faults. It is up to us , all of us to make a stand and recycle everything possible, drive less and turn of things when not in use is a huge step. But the biggest step has to come from the government and to get them to do anything is near to none.
Black Sheep
File the predictions so that you can refer to them after the due dates.
Better still, look for predictions made by the same group in the past. How good were they?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: READ 'Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings' by Charles H Hapgood, foreward by Albert Einstein!
The Antarctic was mapped with NO ICE ON IT thousands upon thousands of years ago. There used to be NO ICE on the North West Passage!
This is a normal cycle for planet Earth and a clever way to tax people who believe everything the governments tell them!!
If you don't educate yourself on this you will just buy into the mass hysteria!
Yes, the temperatures are warmer but they used to be in the past. Yes, some climate change is happening! But this planet is always changing!
Get a grip!!
Witness 007
ALL I'M SAYING IS DON'T START BUILDING NOAH'S ARK JUST YET....And Sweetstuff do I get a thank you for helping ignite this topic with my "gas"....{bad example} Your welcome Sweety!!!
Critical thinking and healthy skepticism is what made me decide to leave the WTS. I saw hypocrisy amonst the "knighted" leaders that talked-the talk but did not walk-the-walk. Fear and doom was used to manipulate people's lifestyle and attitudes. After observing that I then started reading outside the approved materials to find factual flaws with that belief system.
I used the exact same critical thinking and healthy skepticism along with observation of hypocrisy to do my own research regarding global warming. I found indentical parallels between the two religions and alarm bells went off.
I pegged Al Gore as a phony right out of the gate and immediately found reams of research that proved him a blatant liar. The more I read the more I find him to have a vested financial interst in climatic hysteria.
My first skepticism was just gut intiuition and observation, the science only confirmed it later.
You do not need a PhD to be able to tell the difference between if it's raining or if someone is peeing down your back.
Witness 007
The media bombs people with "global warming" to such a degree that most people have not examined the otherside of the coin. The hottest decade was the 1930's ??????!!!!! Why? Pollution???? Typical when you take the opposite view from the majority you will have a struggle on your hands. People of Canada and America turn off your God damn "Fox News" Panic Terror Channell, and read a friggin book on weather patterns.
AL Gore went on record and asked the news media to no longer broadcast any disenting views or science on global warming. Folks, you should find that extremely disturbing and start asking some very serious questions.
That simple request just removed the last vestiges of science out of the discussion and turned it into pure dogma.