w15 04/15- More Shunning!
by wifibandit 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Looks like they're still short of men wanting responsibilities.
This magazine won't change a thing of course.
Page number? Please don't make me read the whole thing. -
breakfast of champions
p. 27, 29-31. -
Short terse statements. No elaboration.
It doesnt matter though...at least where I live, no one really gives a flip about the DF arrangement. That includes the old timers.
Maybe it is because there have been so many corrupt DFings that have become well known, I dont know if that has played a part or not.
I think FaceBook has played a role in liquidating the line between not talking and talking.
Looks like they still encourage men to wear pants with pleated fronts. I guess we can't having anyone looking attractive in field circus, some gay people may approach the display.
All for show
At the bottom of the first article in the grey box...they use a term I've only heard used by self important JWs. " Need Greaters" ...great an official-new acceptable title of honor. -
I'll SURF where the need is great!
label licker
And what if you were framed because the elders of the Elmira, Ontario congregation were covering up illegal activities. Better yet, because they knew all what this one guy was doing but did nothing about it made them a part of his gross sins. So they had to shut us up fast so they df'd my husband who did not go to his judicial committee but was df'd at the end of our lane. He tried to tell them of the new doctrinal changes and they called him an apostate and said he was df'd right there on the spot.That's a loving provision from Jehovah?????
I swear that all the leaders in this cult from elders up to the governing body have a bunch of squirrels juggling knives inside their heads. It's just a matter of time where their leaders will tell them the due time has come to kill.
If they can convince people to give up all their friends and family, they will have no problem convincing them to go out and kill.
Muddy Waters
Huh. They always use (mis-use) the prodigal son parable. Where was it stated in that parable that the erring son must wait a year or so and then write a letter? Bah.
And did you notice, in that same WT, there is a whole article about MALAWI and the intense (but totally needless!!) persecution that happened to JWs in the 1960's and 70's. If anyone is familiar with Ray Franz's book, Crisis of Conscience, you will know all about that muck-up and duplicity and double standards which the org could have prevented but did not.
Shame, shame on them! :(