When? Give me a deadline !

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    When, Oh when will the JW's realize that they've been had?

  • stillajwexelder

    one or two know it but will not leave

  • JH

    I think that when 2014 comes and goes, most JW's will start to realize that something isn't right...

  • stillajwexelder

    Even then P R I D E will stop many leaving. Admitting one has been had is not easy

  • stillajwexelder

    so more and more will go through the motions and live a double life

  • JH
    so more and more will go through the motions and live a double life

    I think that has already started, and surely intensify like you say.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I doubt 2014 will be any different to 1975 ... they'll blame it on "new light".

  • Hortensia

    well, you know what they say, there's a sucker born every minute.

  • JH
    I doubt 2014 will be any different to 1975

    If they think about it good and hard, they will realize that God, back in 1914, used people that are now dead to preach to people that are now dead. How is that for a Kingdom come?....

  • greendawn

    Many will realise it just like many people on this forum and millions of others did and leave the cult, others will realise it but stay in because their interests are better served by being there.

    Yet others are too naive to realise anything, there is an incredible number of such people in every society. Even though there are many obvious flaws in the JW organisation, doctrine and history.

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