Somewhere, deep down, they HAVE TO realize that several "bible truths" have been changed, and these were things that they (we) all went out and taught OTHERS that were "bible" studies and people at the doors. There should come a point where they will see how stupid they look while telling everyone how only THEY have "truth" that then is always subject to change. It takes real courage to confront these things in the privacy of your own heart, and then deal with it.
When? Give me a deadline !
by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends
Their numbers will probably go down. But, the true answer would probably be disappointing. As you know, 1914 has already been deemphasized since about a decade. While the passing of 2014 will affect a lot of jws w decades of service, there will be new crops of sheep looking for certainty who will get sucked in. My opinion.
S -
PT Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute.
Until his hypothesis is proven false there will always be new recruits to take the bait.
I think that when 2014 comes and goes, most JW's will start to realize that something isn't right...
I believe they will always find a way to reinvent the "Carrot" and just move it beyond reach. They have been doing it successfully for 130 years or better and are masters at it.
There will always be those who "need" what the society has to offer and I don't anticipate that will change in the future. I wish for them(WT) only self destruction ...BUT... I don't think it will happen. -
Even then P R I D E will stop many leaving. Admitting one has been had is not easy
yeah they were there in 75 when that was the end and you sold everything to pioneer in the LAST DAYS........... now your F*&^%$ even worse off since you quit planning finacially for the future........... how can you admit it was all smoke and mirrors............ would totally invalidate your entire life. most people couldnt handle that..... those that could woulda seen through the bulls*** ages ago.
While the passing of 2014 will affect a lot of jws w decades of service, there will be new crops of sheep looking for certainty who will get sucked in
I agree. Many people got sucked in after the whole 1975 debacle, and are totally unaware of what happened. The same thing will happen again after 2014.
1975. only they're retarded.
Save My Soul
The 1995 Generation change caused me to review my belief system. Many pre-1975 witnesses will leave after 2014. I know many elders that crave the power and do not believe any of the rubbish. They send their kids to college and then they tease me about how close we are to the end.
When a loved one dies, many re-evaluate everything as well. Breaking away is the hard thing. When their is no support
What's with 2014?
I know about 2011 and 2012, 2035, but what's with 2014?
What's with 2014?
I know about 2011 and 2012, 2035, but what's with 2014?
2014 marks the 100 Anniversary of Jesus Christs THIRD !!!!! Return.
Would not this be a most appropriate time for him to act.....NOT...