Did being a JW make you overly judgemental?

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Looking back, being a JW meant constantly analyzing and categorizing others. On field service, persons were either "sheeplike" or "goatlike". In the congregation it went even further. Individuals were always judged and categorized by their "spiritual status". Among other things, we labeled our brothers as "spiritually weak", "spiritually strong" and "bad association". Name-calling was common, and oftentimes we did so whilst completely ignorant of their personal circumstances. Sometimes we got so caught up in judging, we became totally oblivious of how we ourselves were perceived by other persons.

    Sisters were constantly mentally evaluating every man they met as to suitable "husband material", and brothers would also evaluate sisters as to suitable "wife material".

    In your eyes, did someone's "spiritual status" override their other fine or not so fine qualities? Was it difficult for you to simply enjoy someone's company, or their talents, and learn from their experiences without labeling them? Personally, this was something I specifically worked on after fading. Was it also difficult for you to do this after leaving JW?


    Because I felt judged by those who knew very little, if anything at all about my circumstances, I did not judge others. Part of the reason that I didn't always fit in was my defense of anyone being gossiped about.

    Honestly I have always tried to find at least one redeeming quality to focus on in my fellow human beings. I am far, far from perfect and I don't expect others to be either.

  • ThomasCovenant


    Once you have a standard or model that every body in the 'T' is supposed to reach then it is the easiest thing in the world to judge them as everyone of them/us fail in reaching that standard.

    I was talking to the daughter (no longer attending) of one of the local elders and we were both saying what a relief it is to get away from the constant judging that takes place in the Borg.

    People in the 'world' are just not like that in general. At least I don't think so.

    Thomas Covenant

  • Mum

    Probably. My family was pretty judgmental to start with, but the JW thing made it worse.

  • Finally-Free

    I fell in love and married a pioneer™ sister™ because of her spiritual qualifications™. Once I left the cult we no longer had anything in common, so we divorced.

    I was very friendly and easygoing before I was a JW. After being surrounded by JWs for 20 years I became the most judgemental bastard I'd ever known. I looked forward to the day when Jehovah would butcher and burn everyone at armageddon, and I wanted to be outdoors when it happened so I could watch and hear their screams of agony, and laugh at them. I eventually realized what happened to me, and why, and found that being a JW didn't make me a better person. It taught me to have contempt for everyone who crossed my path.


  • rache31

    YES, about the JW's. The people who weren't "spiritual" or deemed "bad association" were sometimes true friends to me. I couldn't understand how other people felt comfortable deciding who is what. I hated that!

  • R.Crusoe

    I felt completely non- judgemental. But keeping to their rules made others think my distancing myself was me being judgemental. This resulted in them treating me in ways which made me feel constantly judged and tested and rejected in all sorts of ways. I was a convert and so felt treated the same way at the KH. There was no real peer group for me as a young father at the KH and so I never bonded with anyone so felt my only friend was books full of literature. It's why I detest the ethos of JWs.

  • stillajwexelder

    sadly, yes

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    YES< YES YES!! Even today I say Judgemental things... then want to kick myself in the Ass.

  • chickpea

    mea maxima culpa!

    i was arrogant and judgmental and a total d0uche

    thankfully that nasty characteristic is signifcantly quelled.... i very well may still be a d0uche, but at least i am not a pious one

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