Thanks, burn the ships. I'm straight though. Although, the pink pistols IS open to anyone....
Straight here too.
Might be a fun shoot!!
It would certainly be different LOL! Burn
by primitivegenius 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks, burn the ships. I'm straight though. Although, the pink pistols IS open to anyone....
Straight here too.
Might be a fun shoot!!
It would certainly be different LOL! Burn
Good advice, except there was'nt squat for cover around, it was in a large parking lot at night. When all was done, (when the sirens were coming) I had the ringleader in a triangle while I was leaning up a car. Still, when it starts with them and a sucker punch, it's difficult to defend. The first guy hit my brother right on the button, first shot. Did'nt mention he was there, but I did on another thread.... and I had to give up my back immediately as a few of them started kicking him while he was down. And, yeah, having had folks I've known kicked to death, or permanently maimed, or killed by one freak shot to the head, if I'd had a firearm, i'd a shot the bastards. Did I mention that it was also a hate crime?
I read the other thread,all i can say is gooooodamn man,that's some of the most twisted sh!t i've heard of in awhile. Esp as you already weren't feeling well because of the mild seizing.
Stuff like this is the reason i always have a chip on my shoulder when i go out,you can't hardly go anywhere,and do anything anymore without a$$holes ruining it. That's like the clubs around here...they LOVE to fight in there,especially when one doesn't "get the girl"...people used to ask me what was the hardest thing to give up to be a dub,they always have a odd look on their faces when i tell them it was fighting,lmao.
Just a couple of years ago,When some guys jumped my bro while i was at work,then hid from me when i found out about it...I had to threaten(which i hate) his entire immediate family with a "service call" as i put it,just for him to show himself and receive his punishment,cowardice disgusts me especially after said coward does something as bold as challenging me,by proxy.-KenShi
Have you seen that Taurus Revolver that is a 410 & 45 colt, that is pretty cool
I want.... A ruger red label over and under 12 gauge!
A nice lever action Winchester 3030
A good heavy bolt action maybe a ruger 9mm or 30.06
A hammerless Taurus titanium frame revolver
A good gopher gun maybe a rigged up AR-15
All the other nice pretty guns ever made...
Oh and a really nice crossbow! The one I want is 1900 bucks at gander mountain!
Hee hee hee I don't want MUCH do I!
and had ten staples in the back of my head.
is that the pic in your avitar you pulling staples?!
why was it a hate crime? I mean what in particular were thay hating on? I mean I get attacked by the ladies all the time for being so hot but it's not a HATE crime! (6)
is that the pic in your avitar you pulling staples?!
why was it a hate crime? I mean what in particular were thay hating on?
Lol, no I'm shaving my head...
I was having a seizure, and leaning on my brother on the way to the car. They called us fag's and jumped us.
Have you seen that Taurus Revolver that is a 410 & 45 colt, that is pretty cool
I wants it! I wants the precious!!
Just got my CCW here is my lil bersa .380. Nice and compact, packs a lil punch. [IMG][/IMG]
This is my .410/45 LC double barrel pistol. It's loaded with two rounds of .410 000 buck and fits inside my quick access safe for home defense. Six slugs with two shots and good spread from the non-choked short barrel.
I have a .380 myself.
Better upgrade to HPs, Darth.