Would You Be Putting 2+2 together if You Were Still a Witness?

by journey-on 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • journey-on

    It occurred to me that if I were still a believing Jehovah’s Witness, I would be thinking that maybe….just maybe….the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, Inc. has gone apostate and is guiding its flock off a cliff.

    First…..all the corporations that were formed separating everything in the eary 2000’s. Why? What is the REAL reason for doing that?

    Second…..their association with the United Nations.

    Third….their changes on MAJOR doctrines.

    Fourth….the pedophile issue and subsequent cover-up. (Not like Jehovah at all to let this happen!)

    Fifth….the WTS’s obsessive fear of your gaining knowledge that might trigger your thinking brain!

    Sixth….the constant harping about apostates!

    Seventh….The Real Estate profits and the Construction/Reconstruction "business" and all the stuff involving ownership in Rand Cam.

    I’m sure there are other issues I’ve left out.

    At this point though, I think I would be hearing the phrase over and over in my head:

    "Get Out of Her My People, If You Do Not Want to Share in Her Destruction."

    Can you imagine how some "thinking" Witnesses must be feeling right now. What a conundrum! No wonder so many are on anti-depressants and have mental health issues!

  • prophecor

    ......"thinking" Witnesses must be feeling......

    That's the whole problem in a nutsac...

    They aren't thinking

    Thats an oxymoronic statement, like Jumbo Shrimp!!!

  • VoidEater

    I was always skeptical. But believed there was nothing better, that there was no other choice for salvation than association. But now that I look back on it I never thought they were infallible, I always knew there were imperfect humans in the machinery. It was later that I gained an appreciation that the mistakes being made had real, horrendous consequences for the poor folks stuck in the gears. The arrogance and haughtiness of the organization by its refusing to even acknowledge its errors drove me to conclude I couldn't be there any more - and if they were making mistakes in one area, then they may be wrong everywhere.

  • footstepfollower

    NAw I would have still eaten it up I don't think the failure effects us unless we are ready. Look at 1975 some left but a lot stayed.

  • journey-on

    But did you ever feel you were being "called" out of the organization (possibly by Jehovah)? Did it ever enter your mind to "Get Out of Her My People"?

    What I'm saying is that if I were still a Witness, I would be putting 2+2 together and thinking there's something going terribly wrong here. I don't think I could

    buy into the "just wait on Jehovah" thing forever. I would be hearing "Get Out of Her My People" loud and clear!!

  • prophecor

    Unless I was listening, intently to other doctrine, I would never have associated the Jehovah's Witnesses could not have the truth. There seems to be a tendency for the blinders to be fused to ones' vision of what's going on. At least that's how it was for me. The truth was the only way out of this world alive or dead, as far as I was willing to see. Even with all its problematic issues, I saw it as the only true religion on the entire planet. Whatever didn't match up with my desire to see things differently, it was then incumbent on me to adjust, not for the organisation

  • Sunspot

    Wow....I would like to think that I was AWAKING! to the harsh realities of the WTS (given all that I know now), but quite frankly....I do not know that I would have. Being that I bought into EVERYTHING the WTS uttered, and had I done as I was told (no internet---no outside research) I would never have heard of the UN fiasco, the Mexico/Malawi business, the Tacome Dome parking scandal, or the " Jehovah's provision of his divine donation arrangement" because primarily, the WTS didn't want to pay Caesar's things to Caesar as they warn everyone else to do.

    Had I never known about all these things.....I am ashamed to admit that I most likely would not have looked any deeper into anything else.

  • yknot

    The conversations about fleeing Jerusalem are coming up more and more.

  • blondie

    With me it was several smaller things and then one big thing, lying and deceit by someone I respected.

  • journey-on

    Elaborate yknot.. What do you mean by "fleeing Jerusalem" and in whose conversations, JWD or JWs? "Get out of Her, My People" is a phrase that means (according to JWs) "get out of false religion....period."

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