It occurred to me that if I were still a believing Jehovah’s Witness, I would be thinking that maybe….just maybe….the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, Inc. has gone apostate and is guiding its flock off a cliff.
First…..all the corporations that were formed separating everything in the eary 2000’s. Why? What is the REAL reason for doing that?
Second…..their association with the United Nations.
Third….their changes on MAJOR doctrines.
Fourth….the pedophile issue and subsequent cover-up. (Not like Jehovah at all to let this happen!)
Fifth….the WTS’s obsessive fear of your gaining knowledge that might trigger your thinking brain!
Sixth….the constant harping about apostates!
Seventh….The Real Estate profits and the Construction/Reconstruction "business" and all the stuff involving ownership in Rand Cam.
I’m sure there are other issues I’ve left out.
At this point though, I think I would be hearing the phrase over and over in my head:
"Get Out of Her My People, If You Do Not Want to Share in Her Destruction."
Can you imagine how some "thinking" Witnesses must be feeling right now. What a conundrum! No wonder so many are on anti-depressants and have mental health issues!