Hello everyone,
Here's what I'm thinking.
For those of you who are concerned about the "snakes" comment, please remember that Bill is not talking to virtual strangers in Brooklyn, he knows these "yahoos."
They are not his superiors and they obviously have no respect for him or any thing he says anyway. They deserve to be called snakes and a whole lot more!!
Did Jesus loose credibility when he called the Pharisees "Vipers",and whitewashed graves etc?
He called them what they were and Bill is doing the same.
Please understand this was only an example. I'm not trying to say Bill is a modern day Jesus.
We say things to people we know and have had many experiences with that we wouldn't to someone else.
Next thing on my mind is that I agree that they are angry and are looking for anything to nail him on.
Believe me when I say that if they DF or DA him for any reason they will suffer much more than he ever would!
Yes, Bill loves playing the game and I think he's ready to take it to another level.
Don't be too upset if they DF him.
This is gonna be good no matter what!