NON-THEISTIC belief systems REQUIRE LOTS of FAITH (e.g. people from FISH)

by hooberus 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • writetoknow

    You tell me which group you claim the right to say they are not answered? That does not seem very factual in fact that sound subjective open to personal beliefs. I am right your wrong my ways a better then yours does not sound like anything new.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    What of the prayers that are answered do you assume that person is lying?

    [citation needed]

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    The reason I can say with a great degree of certainty that even though there will be many new discoveries they will not completely invalidate the science being taught today is that everything that is being taught today in science can be verified by experimentation.

    You must mean things like Ernst Haeckel's "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"

    Do you really think all science is being done or taught in good faith?

    If we are arguing about scientific fact, that would be one thing. But much that is called science today is really philosophy and comes with a lot of baggage.

    Is there any rational basis for believing in god?

    I would say that intelligent life and the universe, from nothing, form a basis.

    If you can come up with an experiment to do that yourself, I'll take a look.

  • Caedes


  • SickofLies

    Do you really think all science is being done or taught in good faith?

    If we are arguing about scientific fact, that would be one thing. But much that is called science today is really philosophy and comes with a lot of baggage.

    You remind me of when I was talking with the elders about evolution at my KH when I was still a witness. They tried to bring up all the times where science has been 'wrong' and pointed it every fraud that has been committed by a scientist to claim that science can't be trusted.

    This weak argument that is based on pure ignorance. Even if I were to accept that as true, that science cannot be trusted, even though it is experimentally verifiable, then how much more untrustworthy must religion be? It was made up by humans for selfish purposes and cannot be backed up by any experiment/evidence.

    Most things that science is teaching has lead to real world benefits such as advancements in medicine, transportation, infrastructure, computing power and so many more areas. Yet in what has religion contributed to the world that could not have been done in its absence? If you can answer this you get the million dollar JWD poster of the year award.

    If there are people teaching things out of selfish motivates the best way to combat these issues is though education not ignorance. It is such defeatist language to say 'well, I know science has been wrong in the past so therefore I can safely dismiss everything that it teaches today'.

    What stupidity.

    I would say that intelligent life and the universe, from nothing, form a basis.

    If you can come up with an experiment to do that yourself, I'll take a look.

    While I might accept that argument for being a deist coming from someone uneducated, it would not lead itself to being a theist.

    Religious Argument in a Nutshell (tm):

    1. There very well could be a god that created the universe

    2. I believe that the fact it could have been means it is so.

    3. ?????

    4. Jesus died for your sins so believe or go to hell.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Is there any rational basis for believing in god?

    I would say that intelligent life and the universe, from nothing, form a basis.

    In what way?

    To say that God created the universe is nothing more than an untestable speculation.

    If you can come up with an experiment to do that yourself, I'll take a look.

    You here show that you have absolutely NO comprehension of the scientific method, or rational procedure.

    You don't just make random crap up and then say: "Prove me wrong" Especially in such an asinine way.

    "If you can't build another universe then god did it."

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    That's real good, but, calling me stupid won't change the facts.

    1. Insulting, threatening or provoking language

    Did I say science can't be trusted?

    I don't trust "religion" any more than science. Both get hacked every day.

    Religious Argument in a Nutshell (tm):

    1. There very well could be a god that created the universe

    2. I believe that the fact it could have been means it is so.

    3. ?????

    4. Jesus died for your sins so believe or go to hell.

    Is this your understanding of my faith? I think you're the one who needs education.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    To say that God created the universe is nothing more than an untestable speculation.

    So is saying there is no God

    You don't just make random crap up and then say: "Prove me wrong" Especially in such an asinine way.

    "If you can't build another universe then god did it."

    I didn't make the universe up. But, it is here.

    It's hard for me to understand why some people have a hard time with the idea that science can't (and never will) explain everything.

  • writetoknow

    What ever happen to civility? So much imputting of motives into a person comments. I recently posted forum civility under Adult Heated Debates. Appreciate any comments.

  • SickofLies
    That's real good, but, calling me stupid won't change the facts.

    What facts are you refering to here?

    BTW, I was not saying you are stupid, just the argument itself doesn't hold any water.

    Is this your understanding of my faith? I think you're the one who needs education.

    Oh well then please educate me.

    It's hard for me to understand why some people have a hard time with the idea that science can't (and never will) explain everything.

    But believing in a god does explain everything? How does saying 'god did it' ever explain anything? It's not even a real answer, its just a way to promote ignorance.

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