To say that God created the universe is nothing more than an untestable speculation.So is saying there is no God
Not correct. Since you capitalized the word 'god' I can assume you are speaking of the Judeo-Christain god 'Yahweh'
If so then saying that he doesn't exist would be a testable claim, since there are several things that would be true if the stories of him are accurate.
For example if this god exists, then we would expect to see evidence for a global flood around 4000 years ago, evidence that the sun stood still for a day, and a completely eradicated Egypt from the plagues. If these claims are not true, then this god doesn't exist. So when I say there is no God, I have evidence.
Also the concept of any infinately powerful god violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics, for a start. You must first prove that these laws can be broken, before I even consider your claims.
Also your purported evidence for the existance of a diety applies to a WIDE range of bizzare beliefs.
For example: Lastthursdayism.
Lastthursdayism is the belief that a trickster god created the universe and everything in it only last thursday. But he made it to appear as if it has been here for billions of years, Including your memories. The universe began last thursday. The evidence? "The universe exists doesn't it?"
Pretty much the same as YOUR evidence.
Your beliefs are about equal with Lastthursdayism. They have JUST as much 'evidence' as you do.
Finally, saying 'There is no god' is completely different from saying 'I don't believe in a god'.
Lore - What Would Satan Do?