The reason I took exception to the generalization that "therapy is good" is that I have been to therapists, twice (both recommended by my primary care physician). Both times were utter and emotionally crushing failures, as it quickly became apparent that they were interested in just two things: 1) Give me a prescription, and 2) Hound me for their money (emphasis on #2).
While, as you observe, many people can be, and have been, and are being, helped by professional therapy, I would, as a result of my own experiences, advice that as much preparatory work as possible be done (which I obviously didn't do) to assure that the therapist a person chooses has a good "track record."
In that respect, JWD has been the best therapist I've ever, where do I send the check? LOL
minimus, thank you for giving me a bit of space on this.