My wife sent an email to her sister from my server yesterday...unfortunately she had mispelled the recipients email address and it bounced back...and I just retrieved it. As some of you know I have faded from the borganization and have been working to get my kids out too. So I will post a snippet from the email, she sent, here followed by a question:
"...We are struggling to do what we have to do in the
truth at the moment. MSIL is very bad spiritually
even saying he doesn't believe it's the truth anymore,
and trying to influence me in subtle ways to stop
going - and it is affecting me more than I thought.
MSIL is very clever with his reasonings and casting
doubts. So I live with constant demotivation and no
family head. But, I cannot give in, Satan will not
win. And so say all of us - right?"
Many of you have MUCH more experience with this situation than I do so I am doing a reality check here...part of me takes this as a positive (that I am whittling away and making inroads...) whereas part of me says....back off - she might start acting unpredictably. What is your read? What would you do?
PS - I have told my wife NOTHING on any of the doctinal issues eg. 607 or the latest UN issue.....I have only worked on my agnostic views thus far. Do I take a stronger stab at a doctinal issue now? I am very tempted to start down the UN issue with her especially in view of how I feel personally betrayed by the organization.
My objective is to get my kids out or at least thinking (my wife is too indoctinated and could not live in the real world).... My son and I have agreed that even though he is being pushed by one of the "future princes of the earth" who studies with him, that he will NOT get baptized, even though they continue to pressure.
I see we also just received an appointment for a shepherding call from our book study conductor...and I can act dumb and attend and nod my head like a stupid sheep and blissfully bleat the words they want to hear...but I am relatively angry with the borganization at this point and feel like just saying NO THANK YOU.
Thanks for your insights and opinions...
Now what the hell do I do with my toaster??