I once called on a guy who invited us straight in...then told us he was "Lazarus Son of God." He had a cazy look in his eye, and would repeat this line every few minutes. The Brother with me was trying to "reason from the scriptures" that he in fact could not be Lazarus...I just wanted to leave. A woman had bible verses written all over her kitchen walls...the pioneer brother with me again tried to "reason with the scriptures"...the woman was wearing rubber boots inside the house during summer, for God sake!!....I wanted to leave. Later I was counselled since "Jesus preached to everyone and so should we." I thought do we really want to encourage lunatics to come to the Kingdom Hall.
Weirdest People you've met while Witnessing!!! {Nut cases}
by Witness 007 31 Replies latest jw experiences
It was too late! A lot of them made it to the Hall!
The weirdest people were the ones who accompanied me to the doors.
Yep! The weirdest ones were always the pubs. that no one would work with and I got lumbered with. Like Peter XXXXX who would always wear his pyjamas under his suit and there was always an inch of floral flannelette poking out from under his trousers. Actually he was a bit deaf and often he would look up from his Bible and find the door shut and the householder gone! LOL
Back in 1975, I went to the door with a childhood friend who eventually got dragged into the borg. Ok, it's 9:45 am, nice summer morning. The door opens, and here stands this gorgeous, I mean GORGEOUS blonde wearing nothing but a sheer nightgown open all the way down. I saw everything for that split second until my jw good sense said" don't touch or look at the unclean thing". True story. Gorgeous!
Apart from the other pubs, my weirdest exp was when i was walking on the min and this crazy lady ran up to me, grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. My first kissWhen i pushed her off she said 'she doesn't want it, she's not the one.' Too weird.
Wordly Andre
my parents had a JW friend who was a horrible driver, I was standing in front of my parents house and this 1982 Ford POS came ripping around the corner and straight towards my house I jumped out of the way as his car ended up on our front lawn, turns out that he and his wife were there to pick up my mom for meeting night, I told my mom are you sure you want to go with them, she gave me a dirty look. This guy looked like a clown too, huge eyebrows that made him look like a mad.
I remember some lady thought that Jesus was the Sun, she said she regularly looked into the sun to see Jesus' face smiling back at her. I said "That could be severe retna damage".
Men in underware.
Women in underware.
Neighborhood peeping Tom who showed up at the KH and stalked me.
Those bloody apostates were the worst! :)