Desperate to make a convert I'm amazed how Witnesses behave. Like my wife we were on vacation, Witnessing, we met a guy who was visiting his mother but came from our city. After talking for a while my wife tells him which suburb we live in and leaves our home phone number telling him to call me when we get back and I can take him to the meetings. I gave her a good tongue lashing in the car....he may be a serial killer etc...I think she got the point. I'm amazed more Witnesses don't go missing, the stuff they do!!
Out Witnessing = My wife hands out our home phone number to strangers!!!
by Witness 007 14 Replies latest jw experiences
Geez - even back in the 60's in the US sisters were strongly cautioned against door-to-door or study activities alone...
OMG? What was she thinking?
Yeah here in the US going to the door alone is even frowned upon. Although that may be because of all the people who show up naked to the door.
in the late 70's early 80's, the elders would drop me and my friend off to territories to work, we'd be 9, 10, 11 years old. just the two of us.
thanks mom and dad, can i get reimbursed for some of this therapy?
that may be because of all the people who show up naked to the door.
ooops and here I thought I was the only one!
WITNESS 007- Yeah, the witnesses are really too gullible and trusting . I remember a story my witness mother told me , she was calling on this like 90 year old man who happened to have the same last name as her . He had shown alledged " interest " , my mom was early 50's at the time , and attractive . Well, this man progressed to the point of wanting to " study " the Bible with mom , so my mom was calling on him more regularly . On the first study with him , he grabbed my mom's hand and said you know , Mrs. so and so, I feel you and I were meant to be together , and he tries to plant a big wet one right on her lips ! She backed away saying, " Why Mr. So and So you misunderstood the reason I'm calling on you ! I'm here to study the Bible with you , I'm a friend , that's all ! ". Needless to say my dad, an elder, advised her not to call on that dirty old man again ! LOL! But it goes to show, as you said, you never know the motives of some people the witnesses call on ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Here Clifford Robert Olson, here is my number. Won't you come to the meetings.
horrible life
But,,, Won't Jehovah protect everyone???
Yah, they have the great hoover (not j edgar) protecting them;)