Out Witnessing = My wife hands out our home phone number to strangers!!!

by Witness 007 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Jehovah does save Witnesses with Amazing miricles but those he doesn't save it is due to the fact it was not his will, or part of his purpose...yeah whatever!

  • blondie
    *** km 12/06 p. 1 par. 4 Call Back on All Who Show a Measure of Interest ***
    InStreetWork: Do you endeavor to follow up on the interest you find while in street work or when witnessing informally? At the end of your conversation, you could say: "I enjoyed our discussion. Where can I reach you so that we can talk again?" When appropriate, some publishers may choose to give the interested person their phone number or ask to exchange phone numbers. If people see you in street work at the same location on a regular basis, they may not be reluctant to give you their phone number or address. Even if they refuse to give you contact information, you can still try to further their interest the next time you meet them on the street.
    *** w87 2/1 p. 14 par. 18 Manifest an Eagerness to Declare the Good News ***A publisher talked to a woman at an apartment door but did not get much response. Noticing there were several children around, she asked how many children the woman had. She replied that these were not her children but belonged to her brother-in-law, who had just immigrated from another country. The conversation soon came to the topic of inadequate housing. The publisher agreed that reasonable housing was hard to find in big cities, as she also had relatives coming soon, and she offered to help. The lady was elated and called her brother-in-law to the door. The discussion continued, and they exchanged phone numbers. Not forgetting the purpose of the call, the publisher tactfully opened to page 157 in the LiveForever book and explained that in the promised new system, problems in housing and employment will be gone. The man was very impressed and readily accepted the book. Later, the publisher returned with word about a rental apartment; she also renewed their Bible discussion.
  • BluesBrother

    A witness must be an optimist and view the people as potential "sheep" if they are to succeed. No good being suspicious - although caution is advised. We sometimes commented ,especially when we worked "downtown" that the angels must protect us because we called on all sorts including criminals..no doubt

    Experiences like this gave us that idea..

    yb75 pp. 186-188 Part 3—United States of America ***

    "But in spite of the storm, it seemed as though there were at least a hundred men on foot pressing down on us. Once a carload of friends driven by Sister Jacoby (now Sister Crain) from Springfield, Ohio, tried to rescue us, but the mob nearly upset the car and kicked it and tore at its doors. This brought more blows upon us as the mobsters pulled us away from the car. The friends were forced to drive on without us. As we were driven on and the storm continued unabated, the mobsters kept yelling and chanting: ‘Throw them in the river! Throw them in the river!’ This unceasing chant struck terror into my heart and as we approached the bridge to cross the river the chant suddenly stopped. Soon we were actually across the bridge. It was as though Jehovah’s angels had blinded the mob as to where we were! I thought, ‘Oh, Jehovah, thank you!’...................................................................................................................""It was very dark and getting late (I learned later, about 11:00 p.m.). We were beyond the city limits and near exhaustion when suddenly a car stopped very close to us. A familiar voice said: ‘Quick! Get in!’ Oh, here was that fine young pioneer lad, Ray Franz, rescuing us from this violent mob! . . .

    Could that be our friend????

  • dogon

    I just watched a show on discovery where a Dubber family was at a rest area and a group of kids asked for a ride, the over trusting little brains of the Dubbers said yes. Well the kids killed the whole family and stole the car.

    The Dubbers will not talk to a family member who just does not believe but will take a stranger into their home. Nutty bunch of people.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    One thing I could never understand. Noboby, I mean nobody ever tried to discourage me and my friends from going out in service. Why did everyone seem to think it was a great idea to send a group of cute teenage girls to strangers' homes? Where are these people's brains? I never mentioned anything about it for fear of being labled weak or lazy or trying to get out of service. I was stupid, too.

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