So is it Evolution or Creation
by Punk 85 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sorry, I cannot watch 75 minutes of video. Please offer a brief synopsis of what makes you think the way you do.
Evolution is a carefully constructed theory, which the vast majority of reputable scientists consider to be on par with other scientific theories such as relativity, quantum mechanics, and plate tectonics.
The scientific theory of evolution deals with how life developed AFTER the beginning. There is no proof one way or the other how things got started, whether some personal being got it rolling or not. That is a matter of conjecture.
The idea of creationism (that every species was created specially) has not held up in the light of decades of scientific research and inquiry. That's why there is so much resistance to having that idea taught in our schools at taxpayer expense.
drew sagan
We are all part of an advanced cloning system.
Err, I watched the frist ten minutes of this crap. The guy starts off by saying he is going to show the 'evidence' for creation, then for about 5 minutes he quotes scriptures from the bible, it reminds me of the way elders use to give talks on evolution at the KH.
Perhaps he goes into what he considered 'evidence' later in the film, but he ruined his creditablitity by starting with quotes from the bible. If one wants to prove the bible is true you cannot start by quoting the bible as if everyone already accepts it as a source of authority. I have totally given up any hope that I will ever hear a good argument from a creationist.
Brother Apostate
Sorry, I cannot watch 75 minutes of video.
I wish to echo Gopher's comment above.
I mean, who can possibly afford 75 minutes out of a lifetime (40 million minutes) of education to answer a pesky question like whether or not things may have been created, and whether or not God exists?
BA- /End sarcasm/
PS- God, please continue to bless me with the humility to always question my beliefs, and research both sides (or all sides) of an argument before coming to a conclusion. And let that conclusion always be questioned until you have proven it is or is not indisputable fact, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
wow Gopher, your comments echo what i have thought for years. I thought that either God had creative days as one possibility, or he kind of like had a package with everything in it, and threw it out there in the darkness and it exploded (big bang) and everything evolved like that. both scenarios support a creator which i think is the bottom line. people argue about the details to the death, i wasent there so im not going to get into that debate. i think that there are facts that show that there has to be a creator, but also there are facts that show some kinds of evolution. so the truth of the matter is probably somewhere in between. maybe this stance will make me an ememy of both evolutionists and intelligent design advocates. lol
i think that there are facts that show that there has to be a creator, but also there are facts that show some kinds of evolution. so the truth of the matter is probably somewhere in between.
There is a fine line between fact and theory. To me the only "fact", is that god and creation can not be disproven. In light of that that does not mean that because god can't be disproven that creation must have been somewhere in our origin. Let's face it how can you disprove a god, (a mythological being). Scientific theory is the closest thing we have to fact. Science provides evidence in light of evolution that can not be ignored. As for creation I guess everyone needs to ask themselves where their main belief in creation lays. If it is christianity then any belief other than creation should would go against scripture. The isn't any stable scientific theories that would support a traditional biblical timeline.
Scientific theory is the closest thing we have to fact.
An exercise for looseend:
Find out what the word "fact" means. Find out what the word "theory" means. Evaluate statement above.
Superfine Apostate
an exercise for BurnTheShips:
find out what the words "scientific theory" as opposed to your use of the word "theory" mean. -
What a baboon! Know what my use of the word "theory" means before you clumsily caricature it.
A scientific theory is a conceptual framework that explains existing observations and predicts new ones.
A scientific fact is an "objective" and verifiable observation.