if i may ask....

by gotcha 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    What's the point in searching for 'meaning' all the time? What a waste of perfectly glorious thing like life!

    Does a snowflake have to understand the meaning behind its unique crystalline beauty? Does it need to understand its place in the greater water cycle?

    The point to living is to cram each second with as much love and laughter and work as you can manage. Then later on it's your job to die and fertilize a little spot for new stuff to grow and thrive.

    There's no guarantee that life will be easy, or fun, or fair. Looking to make sense of it will just waste a lot of time and make you miserable. THIS MOMENT is all you really have, the rest is just stored memory and extrapolated possible futures. As Baba Ram Dass urged, BE HERE NOW. It's all there is. Might as well be where you are with all senses fully engaged instead of diverting your energies to pointless speculation on the Meaning of Meaning.

  • Yerusalyim
    Does a snowflake have to understand the meaning behind its unique crystalline beauty? Does it need to understand its place in the greater water cycle?

    Then again snowflakes are not self aware. The greatest advances in science and civilization are only a record of man trying to answer the question, "Why do I exist?"

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • idaho

    living, at least from my perspective, can perhaps be better than the alternatives....depending on.....


  • joelbear

    Experience life with my friends.

    Helping others experience life as best I can.


  • one

    Did you ask your inmediate ancestors?

    What did they say?

  • Mindchild

    I see meaning as having two definitions. There is meaning that is somewhere far away, you have to reach to it. It is extrinsic.

    Life is not meaningful to me in this first sense. And it is good that life is not meaningful in that sense, because then life becomes only a means to reach to the faraway goal, the faraway star. Then life loses its autonomous beauty. It is just a way, the real thing is tomorrow...this is the JW way of meaning.

    Meaning has another category too:intrinsic. Life is tremendously meaningful in this second sense. Then meaning is not separate, somewhere else; then meaning is in the very living itself.

    You don't ask, has love any meaning? You know love is itself meaningful, it is not a means to some end. You do not ask if the beauty of a rose is meaningful. The beauty itself is enough; it does not lead anywhere, it contains its meaning within itself.

    I suggest that everything that is really valuable is always intrinsically meaningful. And life is equivalent to existence. Life has meaning. If you just change the word "life" into "living" you will be able to understand this more easily.

    Sipping a cup of "Joe," taking my dog for a walk, playing on the computer, all these small things make up my living and each part, each moment of living, is meaningful to me. I just have to see it this way, otherwise who is going to experience the meaning?

    Now, I admit that sometimes when I'm up to my ass in alligators I'm not thinking: this is life! LOL! I intellectually know that life is today and that I can die tomorrow but I still have a part of me that thinks life is coming down the road (oh, the joys of the new order...right, give me a break) and I project myself into the future, living there instead of now, but I know that searching for a meaning in the tomorrows is a lost cause.

    So, I try to be present wherever I am. Location doesn't matter, just being present does, and every small act, by your presence, will become lighted up, and you will know that your whole life becomes a city of light. That's my meaning:-)

    Kind Regards,


  • Seeker

    Life has no meaning. And what difference does that make? Just enjoy it.

  • OhHappyDay

    I do agree with mommy and the pics.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    what's the meaning of life for you? what's the point in living?

    "To drive your enemies before you, to hear the lamentations of their women." - Conan

  • FormerOne

    In the old days, life used to be about preparing for meetings, going in field service, counting every minute I was preaching to others so I could write it down on a piece of paper and get the "approval" of others.

    Now that I've put all that behind me, life is a precious gift that is to be enjoyed--every minute of it. Whether it's the smile on my daughter's face as we play together, the beautiful sunsets or crystal blue skies of fall, the sound of the birds outside my window in the morning...

    Life is what you want it to be. Enjoy it while you have it, and enjoy the love of those around you while they are here.

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